The Role and Importance of the Feed Base in Dairy Farms and Little Households


  • Djuayev Bekzod Bekmatovich Namangan branch of Tashkent university of economical and technologies
  • Ibodullayev Doston Researcher at the International center for strategic development and research in food and agriculture


Agricultural transformation, agricultural economy, market economy, livestock sector, medicine standard, feed base, feed and resource providing, average price of milk, lactation period, milk cost


In the context of global climate change, it is possible to reduce CH4 gas by intensifying production and using resources efficiently. Also, in order to meet the growing needs of the population, increasing the volume of milk and dairy products, strengthening the feed base in livestock farming is one of the urgent issues. Also, in order to meet the growing needs of the population, increasing the volume of milk and dairy products, strengthening the feed base in livestock farming is one of the urgent issues. It should be noted that considering that 95% of the dairy products produced are consumed by households, one of the main objectives of the article is to study the processes of providing small-scale producers with feed and to develop scientifically based proposals.




How to Cite

Bekmatovich, D. B., & Doston, I. (2025). The Role and Importance of the Feed Base in Dairy Farms and Little Households. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 3(1), 159–163. Retrieved from