Relevance of Ethnopedagogical Approaches in the Process of Innovative Education


  • Turdiyeva Nigora Saidovna Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor of the Primary Education Department


Ethnopedagogy, Innovative Education, Cultural Relevance, Inclusivity, Equity


This paper examines the relevance of ethnopedagogical approaches in the context of innovative education. Ethnopedagogy, which integrates traditional knowledge and cultural values into educational practices, enhances student engagement and motivation by making learning more culturally relevant and relatable. It fosters inclusivity and equity by recognizing and valifying diverse cultural perspectives, thereby creating a more supportive and respectful learning environment. Furthermore, ethnopedagogical approaches develop critical thinking and intercultural competence, preparing students for global citizenship. These approaches also promote social justice by challenging Eurocentric educational models and addressing systemic inequities.




How to Cite

Turdiyeva Nigora Saidovna. (2024). Relevance of Ethnopedagogical Approaches in the Process of Innovative Education. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 2(6), 285–287. Retrieved from