Educational Values and Local Wisdom in Sangihe Folk Stories and Its Implications in Literature Learning


  • Jokibet Pandi Universtas Negeri Manado
  • Dr. Santje Iroth, M. Hum Universtas Negeri Manado
  • Dr. Grace Luntung, M. Hum Universtas Negeri Manado


Education, local wisdom, literature learning


The aim of this research is1. To describe the educational values in the folk tales "Three Knights of Dagho" and "Gumansalangi Regret" 2. The data analyzed is data from documentation collected from Folklore data.2.Library research, in this case the researcher collects data and reads literature from several book sources, the internet, and so on which are related to the problem being researched so that he can develop research results. The data analysis technique refers to Charles Sanders Pierce's theory based on the triangle theory of meaning which consists of three main elements, namely signs, objects and interpretants..

The research results show: 1.Educational Values in the folklore "Three Castria from Dagho and Gumansalangi Regret" convey various educational values, namely Strength, Strength, Courage, Intelligence, success, calm, order, saving attitude, justice, intelligence, peaceful living helping each other.

These educational values enrich and provide deep insight into the folklore texts that are read. 2. Local wisdom in the folklore "The Three Knights of Dagho and the Gumansalangi Regret" provides various local wisdom, namely: Fire from embers, kulano, giants, catapults, helping each other and assisting each other, and descendants. 3. Applying implications in literature learning, namelyprovide information related to the acquisition of educational values and local wisdom. enriching views or insight into life as an element related to providing meaning and increasing the value of education and local wisdom itself




How to Cite

Jokibet Pandi, Dr. Santje Iroth, M. Hum, & Dr. Grace Luntung, M. Hum. (2024). Educational Values and Local Wisdom in Sangihe Folk Stories and Its Implications in Literature Learning. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 2(1), 101–111. Retrieved from