Syntactic-Stylistic Repeatment of Complex Sentences in Linguistics


  • Usarov Ibrahimjon Kurpashaevich Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Aspects of English at the Uzbek State University of World Languages. Tashkent, Uzbekistan


syntactic repetition


This article analyzes syntactic repetition as a universal phenomenon inherent in different types of discourse in all languages. Syntactic repetition includes anaphora, epiphora, anadiplosis, frame construction, and polysindeton. These repetitions can perform the function of enhancing expressiveness in the text, convey the meaning of the sequence, duration or monotony of actions, and create a growing effect. In addition, they can clarify what has been said (tautological repetition); be a means of stylization, speech characteristics of a character and perform a rhythm-forming function.




How to Cite

Kurpashaevich, U. I. (2023). Syntactic-Stylistic Repeatment of Complex Sentences in Linguistics. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 1(10), 588–593. Retrieved from