Analysis of Functional Connections of Components of Mechanical Components Affecting the Process of Current Collection of the Temp of Main Locomotives


  • Sherali I. Mamayev Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Oleg S. Ablyalimov Candidate of technical sciences, professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Anna N. Avdeyeva Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Dilnoza I. Nigmatova Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Toshtemirov Sh. Kh Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


BMP, Oscillogram


This article provides an analysis of the functional connections of the parts of the wheeled motor unit that influence the process of current collection of locomotive traction motors.


