Editorial Team

    • Prof. Dr S. Suman Rajest
      Dean of Research and Development, Department of Research and Development, Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering,
      Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
    • Dr. Hazim Jabbar Shah Ali
      Country: USA
    • Dr. Manzoor Khan Afridi
      Country: Pakistan
    • Dr. Majnoony Tootakhane Ali
      Country: Iran
    • Dr. Magdy Shayboub
      Country: Taif University, Egypt
    • Dr. Ramachandran Guruprasad
      Country: National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India.
    • Dr. Retsy D. Tomaquin
      Country: Philippines
    • Sapaev Valisher Odilbek o'g'li
      Tashkent State University of Economics, Head of the Department of General Professional, Social-Humanitarian and Exact Sciences.
    • Dr. Abdolkarim Afroozeh
      Country: Iran
    • Ashurova Gulbahor Nurullaevna  Alisher Navoi, Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, Associate Professor, Department of "History of Uzbek Literature"
    • Dr. Abdul Rauf Hj Ridzuan
      Country: Malaysia
    • Dr. Haybat Abdul Samad
      Country: Lebanon
    • Ermatova Gulnoz Pirimovna
      Senior teacher of the preschool education department of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
    • Badalov O'tkir Badal o'g'li, Samarkand State University, Urgut Branch, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Language Teaching, Doctor of Geography and Philosophy
    • Dr.T.Murugesan
      Country: India
    • Asst. Prof. Dr. Nipa Sriwarom Ouppara
      Country: Thailand
    • Kadirov Azizjon Anvarovich
      Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Statistics, Bukhara State University.
    • Dr. Sylvie NIBEZA
      Country: Rwanda
    • Tursunov Samar Kuzievich. Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, head of the Department of Informatics and its teaching methods, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor.
      Country: Philippines
    • Norkobilov Muzaffar Zhumaevich, director of the military-academic lyceum "Young Border Guards".
    • Imamov Bobir Khujanazarovich, Associate Professor of the "History of Uzbekistan" department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
    • Ruzibaev Alisher Narkulovich
      Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of the Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
    • Shaymardanov Tо‘lqin Boymuradovich, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Technology, Institute of Anti-Engineering Economics, Uzbekistan
    • Suyunova Khilola Azamatovna
      Teacher of interfaculty department of foreign languages of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
    • Shamieva Oybakhor Ravshanovna,
      Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Navoi State Mining Institute
    • Akhmetjanova Mukdas Vahabovna, Professor of the Department of Art Studies, Doctor of Art Studies

    • Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna, professor of the Department of Social and Humanities at the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    • Rakhimkulov Karimjan Datkayevich, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and sports of the Uzbekistan State University of world languages

    • Umarov Djamshed Sayitmuratovich, Teacher of Education and Law at the Military Academic Lyceum "Young Frontiersmen" in Termiz, Surkhandarya Region