Learning to Write Narrative Texts Through the Project Based Learning Model Using Mind Mapping Techniques for Elementary School Students 1 Tataaran Patar


  • Erida Sari Ayu Manalu Department of Indonesian Language & Literature Education, Faculty of Languages & Arts, Manado State University, Indonesia
  • Intama Jemy Polii Department of Indonesian Language & Literature Education, Faculty of Languages & Arts, Manado State University, Indonesia
  • Elvie Sepang Department of Indonesian Language & Literature Education, Faculty of Languages & Arts, Manado State University, Indonesia


Writing narrative texts, project-based learning, mind mapping, elementary school students


This research aims to identify problems often faced by students in expressing their ideas when writing narrative texts. The main aim is to channel students' abilities in writing narrative texts and to understand their level of competence. The learning approach used is project-based using mind mapping techniques. This research uses descriptive analytical methods by collecting data through observation and tests. The results show that class IV students at SD Negeri 1 Tataaran Patar have sufficient ability in writing narrative texts using a project-based approach and mind mapping techniques, with an overall average score of 85%. Of this number, 5 students were considered very capable with scores between 90-100%. A total of 8 students were in the capable category with scores between 80-90%. However, 2 students got low scores between 60-70%, indicating that their abilities still need to be improved. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that students at SD Negeri 1 Tataaran Patar have good abilities in writing narrative texts using project-based learning with mind map techniques.


