Symptoms of Dysentery in Children and Basic Treatment Guidelines for this Disease


  • Usmanov M. B. Professor of the Pharmaceutical Faculty at Samarkand State Medical University
  • Samanova Farida Mexrullayevna Teachers of Clinical Sciences in Samarkand Region, Payarik District, At the Healthcare College Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sino
  • Isroilova Gulmira Davlatnazar qizi Teachers of Clinical Sciences in Samarkand Region, Payarik District, At the Healthcare College Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sino
  • Mahammadiyeva Sevara Xidirboyevna Teachers of Clinical Sciences in Samarkand Region, Payarik District, At the Healthcare College Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sino


In conditions of poor personal hygiene and low immunity, children are very susceptible to intestinal infections through various viruses and bacteria. Among young school-age children, the disease dysentery is very common. It is important to recognize the specific symptoms of the disease in order not to confuse it with other similar pathologies and to start treatment in a timely manner. Dysentery - causes of the disease There are two main types of infectious lesions that can be observed: shigellosis and amoebiasis. In the first case, dysentery is caused by bacteria of the Shigella genus, which are Gram-negative rod-shaped microorganisms. Amoebiasis occurs less frequently and is mainly called by the parasitic microorganism Entamoeba histolytica, which is common in tropical and exotic countries. Dysentery spreads through several methods: it occurs in children after contact with an infected person or carriers of the pathogen. Other methods of infection include: using contaminated products; filtering water in reservoirs, reservoirs for bacteria and protozoa; drinking contaminated water; contact with contaminated household items.




How to Cite

Usmanov M. B., Samanova Farida Mexrullayevna, Isroilova Gulmira Davlatnazar qizi, & Mahammadiyeva Sevara Xidirboyevna. (2023). Symptoms of Dysentery in Children and Basic Treatment Guidelines for this Disease . American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 1(8), 123–127. Retrieved from