Perspectives for Teaching Literature: Creative use of Information Technology and New Methods in the Classroom


  • Inoyatova Mukhayyo Egamberdiyevna head of the innovative project "Methodology for using IT technologies in literature lessons in grades 5-6 of secondary schools", candidate of pedagogical sciences
  • Tojiboeva Khilolakhan Makhmutovna Deputy director for scientific affairs and innovations of the national institute of educational pedagogy named after Kori Niyazi, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


literature teaching, IT technologies, discourse analysis methodology, research technologies, essays


This article explains the creative use of new methods and IT technologies in grades 5-6 of secondary schools as an effective means of increasing the effectiveness of literary education. Also, the specific features of teaching students to work on a problem, find a solution, prove their opinion, and use an effective storytelling method are discussed.



How to Cite

Inoyatova Mukhayyo Egamberdiyevna, & Tojiboeva Khilolakhan Makhmutovna. (2024). Perspectives for Teaching Literature: Creative use of Information Technology and New Methods in the Classroom. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 2(9), 46–50. Retrieved from