The Depiction of War and the Writer's Skill of Observation in the Novel "The Sun Does Not Darken"


  • Ismanova Yorkinoy Abdumutalib KIZI Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Foundation doctoral student, majoring in Uzbek literature 10.00.02


novel, war, front, Great Patriotic War, population, hero, character


This article analyzes the novel "The Sun does not darken", one of the famous works of Oybek Musa Toshmuhammad ugli, the favorite writer of our people. The novel is about the war, in which the author vividly describes the events he witnessed. Through the work, the writer once again demonstrated his observation, artistic skill and vocabulary. In the article, exactly those things are described.




How to Cite

KIZI, I. Y. A. (2023). The Depiction of War and the Writer’s Skill of Observation in the Novel "The Sun Does Not Darken". American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 1(6), 117–120. Retrieved from