Teaching Russian Language in National Groups


  • Tagayeva Zulfiya Saitqulovna Teacher of the Center for training qualified specialists of the construction industry on the basis of Samarkand Construction College


Russian language, national groups, education, development, cultural adaptation


Teaching Russian in national groups is an important aspect of education that promotes cultural exchange, social integration and strengthening linguistic harmony. In diverse societies where different ethnic groups coexist, it is important to create conditions for the preservation and development of the linguistic heritage of each nation. Let's look at several key aspects of teaching Russian in national groups.




How to Cite

Tagayeva Zulfiya Saitqulovna. (2024). Teaching Russian Language in National Groups. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 2(1), 242–245. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/STEM/article/view/2680