Teaching Methodology Topics Orthogonal Projections Of A Point Using Engineering Graphics


  • Radjabov Mansur Rustamovich Associate Professor at Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute


Enter. Engineering graphics is an integral part of engineering and technology education. It plays an important role in the training of specialists engaged in the design, construction and production of various products and systems. Engineering graphics allows students to develop the spatial visualization, analysis, and communication skills necessary for success in engineering [1].

One of the main topics studied in engineering graphics is "Orthogonal projections of a point". This topic allows students to learn how to represent three-dimensional objects on a plane using projection techniques. Orthogonal point projections allow viewing objects from different sides and angles, which is important for analyzing and understanding their shape and construction [2].




How to Cite

Radjabov Mansur Rustamovich. (2023). Teaching Methodology Topics Orthogonal Projections Of A Point Using Engineering Graphics. American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769), 1(9), 226–228. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/STEM/article/view/1418