American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769) <p><a href=""><strong><em>American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769)</em></strong></a> is an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that aims to publish original research articles, case studies, and review papers. Journal is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers that address the intersection of education and STEM learning technologies. It aims to provide implications and scopes to develop and enhance STEM education as well as the uses of technology in education at all levels across the globe. It focuses to deliver perspectives at all levels, from the micro-level of explicit educational methods and tools to be used in the learning management system, educational institutional management method, development, and implementation, curriculum &amp; content development, graduate employability, and quality education, to the macro-level of national policies and implementations; from primary education levels to adults in both territory and vocational education levels in schools, institutions and higher institutions to online, offline and lifelong learning. </p> en-US (Editor in Chief) (Managing Editor) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 07:42:36 -0400 OJS 60 Analysis of the Compound Formulations of Conditional Speech Educational Tasks in the German Language <p><em>Most of the analyzed textbooks are based on the communicative method of teaching the German language, and conditional communicative exercises predominate in them. In conditional communicative tasks, grammatical, lexical and phonetic forms are trained in the context of a simulated situation and assimilation occurs naturally, while in conditional speech exercises the forms are taken out of context, in isolation, in order to achieve automaticity in the use of these forms by students. The number of conditional speech exercises in the analyzed textbooks varies.</em></p> Abdiloyev Shavkatjon Oxonjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Importance of Play in the Activities of Preschool Children <p><em>It is known that play is an integral part of children's development. Effective organization of games in preschool educational institutions not only increases the child’s interest in activities, but also has a great impact on his mental and physical development. In this sense, the role of the teacher in choosing the correct way to organize the game, the type of game and teaching the child to play correctly is incomparable. This article is about them.</em></p> Dodoyeva Feruza Ismoiljon kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Names with a Religious Motif <p>The analysis of lexical-semantic features of toponyms is an important tool in solving many problems in the fields of linguistics, history, ethnography, cultural studies and geography, and allows obtaining a number of valuable information and scientific evidence.</p> <p>One of the problems of the lexicology of the Uzbek language that needs to be researched is the study of the lexical-spiritual characteristics of toponyms and their thematic classification.</p> Abbozov Okhunjon Kayumjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Artistic Speech Possibilities and Author’s Skills in Character Creation <p>In this article, the author emphasizes the issues of creating a character in a work of art. In particular, the character's way of speaking, speech, behavior, clothes, mutual description, self-description, etc., are analyzed in depth, and examples from the creative works of Stefan Zweig and Ulugbek Hamdam are given. One of the important indicators that reveal the inner world of the hero, his way of life, is the character's speech. What the hero says and how he says it is also important. Through the speech, we learn about the hero's nationality, social background, temperament, intelligence, abilities, level of education, about his unique characteristics.</p> Asomiddinova Gulbarno Alijonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Linguapoetics is a Branch of Philology <p><em>This article is due to the need to study and comprehend the texts themselves, which still exists, despite the availability of numerous works devoted to the study of the Shakespearean period. In these studies, either genres of Shakespearean sonnets, or stylistic features of texts, or the issue of influences and borrowings and the ideological and artistic content of works are studied, but they do not conduct lingua-poetic analysis that contributes to a better understanding of texts in the unity of their form and content. This problem and some other questions regarding the artistic value of the sonnets can now be solved by means of lingua-poetics of narrative types. Keywords: Lingua-poetics, Shakespearean sonnets, Narrative types, “description”, “reasoning”, “expression of will”, stylistically labeled, rhetorical devices, labeled linguistic units, metasemiotic properties.</em></p> Abdulkhaeva F.A. Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Mental Development and Personality Development in Preschool Children <p>Various methods and activities are used for the development of psyche and consciousness and the development of the child's personality in preschool children. One of them, first of all, is a game. Drawing, competitions and fairy tales play an important role in the child's mental development. This article talks about the child's mental and personal development.</p> Raximova Sevara Mutolibovna Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Exploring Paremy and Paremiology: Unveiling the Wisdom of Proverbs <p>This article delves into the fascinating realms of paremy and paremiology, the study of proverbs and their usage. It elucidates the significance of proverbs in various cultures, their cognitive implications, and the methodologies employed in paremiological research. By examining the methods, results, and implications of paremiological studies, this article sheds light on the enduring wisdom encapsulated within these concise expressions of folk wisdom.</p> Sotvaldieva Khilola Musinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Advantages of Integrating Proverbs in Classroom Lessons <p>This article discusses the benefits of incorporating proverbs into classroom lessons. It explores how using proverbs can enhance students' understanding of language, culture, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, it examines the role of proverbs in promoting social and emotional learning, as well as fostering creativity and communication skills among students.</p> Sotvaldieva Khilola Musinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Some Specificities of French Wine <p><em>The aim of this article is to present French gastronomy and its use in school education. This article presents the historical features of French cuisine, the composition of the French menu. Then we will cite some specificities of French cuisine in general. This article devotes to France’s own gastronomic division according to administrative division.</em></p> Fotima Nasimova Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Embedding in Grammar Lesson <p>Embedding is one of the phenomena that has a functional effect in the Holy Qur’an, and In the field of interpretation in particular, grammarians have tried to set strict limits for this phenomenon. Rhetoric and prosody are two of the many sciences that incorporate embedding. Ibn Rašīq, also known as al-Kairwānī, gave the following definition of embedding: (embedding occurs when the rhyme or a word before it is related to what comes after it... the more away the word related to the second verse is from the rhyme, the easier it is to question the embedding). This is also true of the most well known rhetoricians. Both the Basran and the Kufic have influenced grammarians' conceptions of embedding. As a means of correcting the attachment of an accusative verb or semi-verb by estimating an appropriate factor in meaning and action and adding its meaning to the previously mentioned factor, the Basrians adopted the inferential method to limit the concept of embedding, allowing it in the verb rather than the letter. Here, the attachement includes the accusative cases from the objects. They considered that the verb includes the meaning of another verb, leading to one word indicating two different meanings simultaneously. As for Kufic embedding, it includes correcting the attachment of a letter or an adverb related to the factor in terms of meaning. They allowed the letter to be replaced by another letter; The hadith scholars followed the grammarians of Basra in their approach, and established standard rules and regulations for embedding, including:</p> <p><strong>First:</strong> The embedding must adhere to Arab taste.</p> <p><strong>Second:</strong> There is an appropriateness between the two actions.</p> <p><strong>Third:</strong> Linguistic evidence supporting the observation of the other action.</p> <p>The First Requirement: Embedding in the opinion of the predecessors and the hadith scholars</p> <p>The opinions of the grammarians and the Arabists have multiplied about the significance of embedding between the letter and the verb: (In their saying, they elevated "perhaps" to the stature of "was." : - Perhaps the gyros is miserable), as we notice that Sibawayh used it as a tool in the interpretation of grammatical problems; It seems to the researcher in that more than the significance of the word on one meaning, and the ideology of Ibn Jinni (393 - 1002) appears in his saying: (Know that if the verb is in the sense of another verb and one of them exceeds a letter and the other in another letter, then the Arabs may expand, so one of the two letters will be placed in the location of the other to mark that this verb is in the meaning of that other verb). It seems that Ibn Jinni has overcome the ruling and limited it to the transitive verb with the letter; Al -Zamakhshari (538 - 1143) pursued Ibn Jinni, and he believes that the embedding is giving the sum of two meanings is stronger than giving a meaning, and we notice that Al -Zamakhshari restricted the embedding in the verb. As for Al-Ashmouni (929-1464), he says: (It is imbuing a word with the meaning of another word and giving it its meaning so that the word becomes the function of two words.). If we review the opinions of the hadith scholars, we notice that there is an educational tendency to restrict this phenomenon, and the Linguistic Academy in Cairo welcomed this phenomenon and established elements for it - which we mentioned previously -, so the Scientific Academy holds embedding is when a verb or something in its meaning is performed, and it gives its form on transgression.</p> Hanaa Abd Mohammed Al-Waeli Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Some Remarks on the Semantic and Cultural Aspect of Emotive Phrasemes <p><em>Emotional phrases are therefore essential to enrich language and effectively communicate our moods and our most intimate feelings. They help to strengthen emotional bonds between individuals by allowing more authentic and empathetic communication. In this article we analyzed the role of emotive phrasemes in human communication, the influence of culture on idiomatic expressions in French and Uzbek languages.</em></p> Xolova Shahnoza Davronovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Pro and Cons of Technology Based Language Learning <p><em>This article talks about the methodology of foreign language teaching, the history of its development as a science, the types of modern methods used in the methodology of foreign language teaching and their use. In addition, the training of specialists who can perfectly learn foreign languages and can speak fluently in the foreign language they are learning, the training of personnel who meet the requirements of entering into the culture of the peoples of the world by learning foreign languages is the goal of the educational reform in our country and one of the tasks.</em></p> Yavqochdiyeva Shahriza Jafar qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Incorporating Inclusive Education Into Translation Studies <p><em>This article discusses the issues of creating a mutually supportive environment for students with special physical and mental abilities in translation studies based on the principles of inclusive education. Translation studies, like other fields, needs to ensure that inclusive education addresses the unique characteristics and needs of each student, as well as providing them with effective and simple ways to teach themselves.</em></p> Makhmudova Bibiraykhon Begbuta kizi, Mamazarifova Jasmina Bekzodjon kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Using a Portfolio as an Example of an Alternative Assessment <p><em>Assessment is collecting and evaluating information about an individual’s skills, knowledge, or performance to make decisions. It serves to find out about learning outcomes, identify strengths and weaknesses, and guide instruction. It is not unknown that assessment plays a crucial role in education, as it offers precious data about both individual and collective performance, leading to improvements. It also helps teachers customize instructions that meet the unique needs of their students. Furthermore, it aids in program evaluation and resource allocation. As assessment regards every stage of education, young learners should also be assessed, so that teaching them becomes more fruitful for everyone. As young learners demand special treatment, this article aims to discuss the ways of evaluating them properly.</em></p> Muhammadiyeva H.S., Soliboyeva G. Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Theodore Dreiser's Style in "Sister Carrie" <p>This article explores the distinctive and often criticized stylistic features of Theodore Dreiser's work, particularly Sister Carrie. Critics such as James Phalen, Donald Pizer, and John Flanagan point out Dreiser's linguistic shortcomings, including vagueness, pretensions, and syntactic errors. Despite these flaws, Dreiser's raw, unrefined style aims to present an unfiltered depiction of life, characteristic of naturalism. His stories often combine fiction and reality, creating a complex picture of the characters' dual identities and societal influences. The use of symbolism and irony further emphasizes the themes of deception and social criticism, especially in the portrayal of sibling relationships and gender roles. Dreiser's deterministic worldview and depiction of random events emphasize the limitations of human choice in his works.</p> Juraeva Lola Tolibdjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Concept of Taboo in French Linguistics <p><em>Taboos and euphemisms remain underexplored in French linguistics, with the terminology still undeveloped. While many articles on this topic have been published in France, and Western linguists are engaging in detailed studies, there are still numerous explanations, terms, and terminological issues in addressing linguistic challenges related to taboos and euphemisms. This article discusses the concepts of “euphemism” and “taboo” their significance, and their role in linguistics, especially within French linguistics.</em></p> Nilufar Juraeva, Akhmadova Shakhribonu Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Role of Psycholinguistics in Addressing Learning Disabilities <p><em>Psycholinguistics is an intersection of linguistics and psychology that deals with the study of language processing methods, that is, how people understand, produce, acquire, or lose language. Also, psycholinguistics is important in the study of all branches of linguistics, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and learning to read and write. In addition, this science covers cognitive processes involved in information processing. Some aspects of psycholinguistics are discussed below.</em></p> Dilrabo Baxronova Keldiyorovna, Juraeva Barno Nizomiddinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Nature of Fantastic Stories <p><em>This article analyzes the first fantastic stories of the famous writer Tahir Malik. The writing of fantastic stories, the scope of the subject, the language are covered in detail. The story writing skills of the writer, the stories created in the pre-independence period are studied in this article.</em></p> Sarvinoz Rasulova Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Artistic Synthesis of National Values in Poetry <p><em>Our national values and tradition are artisticalliy interorela in this article poet Salim Ashurs poems iritten in the national spirit uare anal yzed.</em></p> Ro'zimurodova Norbibi Chorixo'jayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Human Brotherhood is the Key to Ensuring Interreligious Dialogue <p><em>Tolerance, pluralism, mutual respect and diversity of religions and beliefs contribute to human brotherhood. In addition, it is becoming increasingly important to become familiar with different cultures and religions or beliefs and to educate in a spirit of tolerance that ensures that society recognizes and respects religious and cultural diversity, including in matters of religious expression.</em></p> Turdiyeva Dilafruz Makhmudjanovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Concept of Dysphemism in French Linguistics <p><em>This article will talk about the concept of dysphemism, the feedback of linguistic scholars on this concept, the pragmatic features of dysphemisms in the French language. It has also been suggested that the phenomenon of dysphemia, its characteristic feature, dysphemia is a discursive phenomenon, and dysphemism is both a linguistic and a speech phenomenon.</em></p> Nilufar Juraeva, Khamidova O‘g‘iloy Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Specificity of Formation of Linguistic Competence of Students <p><em>The study identifies the specifics of the formation of linguistic competence among students, determined by the following main parameters: heterogeneity of the first-year student cohort in terms of speech preparation; the particularities of the joint activity of the teacher and the student in the process of subject-based learning of the disciplines "Russian Language" and "Culture of Speech"; the acute shortage of study time for the disciplines "Russian Language" and "Culture of Speech" according to the curriculum; the necessity of skillfully combining all types of productive speech activities (speaking, writing, reading, listening); the influence of the national-ethnic factor on the communicative-speech interaction of students.</em></p> Marlen Zoidovich Djelyalov Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Theory of Discourse in Modern Linguistics <p><em>The article examines the peculiarities of discourse and study of its various types. The analysis of various interpretations of discourse, its essence and content is given. The paper presents approaches to the definition of the concept of discourse: functional, formal, situational and cognitive. Within the framework of this study, discourse is understood as the unity of linguistic and cognitive structures in their interaction, since the linguistic sphere cannot function in isolation from the cognitive one, this interaction is a communication process.</em></p> Rano Gayratova, Ph.D Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Choosing the Right Proverbs for the theme "at the Doctor" <p><em>Proverbs are a powerful linguistic tool that can convey wisdom and cultural values succinctly. In the context of medical consultations, using appropriate proverbs can enhance communication and understanding between doctors and patients. This article explores the selection and application of suitable proverbs for the theme "At the Doctor." Through a detailed literature review and qualitative analysis, the study identifies key proverbs that are most effective in medical settings, examines their cultural significance, and discusses their impact on doctor-patient interactions.</em></p> Sotvaldieva Xilola Musinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Improving the Rational Use and Protection of Pastures <p><em>In recent years, special attention has been paid to the issues of protecting pasture lands in our country, ensuring their effective use and combating degradation. This article presents measures for the use and conservation of pastureland, as well as proposals.</em></p> Khudoyberdiev F. Sh, Mirzomurotov Mаksudjon Fаrhod ugli Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Research writing empowered by AI: benefits, Concerns and recommendations <p>This article examines the impact of AI tools on research writing, highlighting benefits like task streamlining and enhanced data analysis. However, concerns arise regarding academic integrity and critical thinking. Despite challenges, judicious AI use holds promise for revolutionizing scholarly writing. Integration into education fosters awareness of ethical implications. Researchers must balance AI benefits with skill development to maintain integrity. Embracing AI as a complement to human judgment is crucial for navigating research writing ethically.</p> Kulmatov Zarif Uktam o’g’li, Qurbanov Ozad Nurmuhammad o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Main Issues of Cognitive Linguistics as a Science <p><em>This article explores the primary concerns within cognitive linguistics, a field that examines the interplay between language and human cognition. Key issues include the nature of meaning, the embodiment of language, the role of metaphor, and the interaction between language and thought. By analyzing these topics with examples, the article sheds light on the fundamental questions and debates shaping cognitive linguistics today.</em></p> Mamanazarova Gulhayo Ilhamjanovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Importance of Using Literature in Foreign Language Teaching <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>In this paper, importance of using literary sources in a foreign language classes is investigated and highlightedstudy is an attempt to investigate and highlight the significance of using appropriate carefully selected literary materials in FL/SL Classrooms.Literature is considered an important and useful means of teaching foreign languages. In the process of using literature, four basic language skills like reading, writing, listening and speaking must be taught in integrated way. Both oral and written communication must be taught with the sources which includes basic language skills as an integral a part language use, as a part of the means for creating both referential and interactional meaning, not merely as a facet of the oral and written production of words, phrases and sentences.</em></p> Qayimova Nargiza Rahmatqul qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Formation of Cognitive, Regulatory, Communicative Universal Educational Actions in Literary Reading Lessons <p><em>The article characterizes the “book trailer” teaching technology, its capabilities for the formation of all groups of universal educational activities.</em></p> Nuraliyeva Shahistakhan Abdusalomovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Some Issues of Developing Independent Work Skills in Technical Universities Zukhra Allaberdievna Zulfiqorova teacher of the foreign languages department Karshi engineering -economics institute Abstract: This article discusses various skills for developin <p>This article discusses various skills for developing independent work when teaching English. The features of the organization of training at a technical university and the specifics of the teaching methods used and the degree of independence of students are also analyzed.</p> Zukhra Allaberdievna Zulfiqorova Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 A BLENDED APPROACH TO LEARNING IN MODERN EDUCATION Komila Eshmakhmatovna Turaboeva Karshi engineering - economics institute, teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages Abstract: Blended learning is an educational concept in which the student gains kno <p>Blended learning is an educational concept in which the student gains knowledge both independently online and face-to-face with a teacher. This approach makes it possible to control the time, place, pace and path of learning the material. Blended education allows the teacher to combine traditional methods and modern technologies.</p> Komila Eshmakhmatovna Turaboeva Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 V alue Foundations of the Management Approach to Personality Education <p>The article examines conscious education, which is based on the management of the pedagogical process. The author analyzes the problem of management activities, which contributes to the development of society and personal education, achieving goals as a pedagogical value. The author identifies the problem of mastering the art of managing the educational process of students, which is an important pedagogical value.</p> Dilbar Khushvaktovnа Primova Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Comparative analysis of the concept of motherhood in world literature <p>Since the beginning of human history, motherhood has been regarded as the most sacred and permanent attribute in many cultures. Although the roles and responsibilities of women have changed over time, due to social, political and economic events, the main responsibility of women has always been perceived as "motherhood". With the modern era, women have participated in social spheres therefore, certain expectations and expectations about motherhood were formed in terms of one-sided views. Although motherhood has evolved over the centuries, the expectations of mothers reflect similar characteristics in almost all cultures. They evoke patience, selflessness, compassion, charity, and unconditional love for children. There are various studies based on the concept of "motherhood" in psychology, anthropology and literature. However, for this study, in order to exemplify the mother concept, "motherhood" described by Adrienne Rich in "The Born Woman" (1976), as well as some mother images from the fiction texts of world literature were selected and comparatively analyzed. The purpose of this study is not to generalize the concept of "motherhood" for every culture in world literature, but based on the results of the analysis, it was to observe that the concept of "motherhood" is reflected in a similar way in many literary works belonging to different cultures. Therefore, this study will serve as a model for further comparative literature studies on motherhood and motherhood in world literature.</p> Ahmedova Matluba Ibragimdjonovna, Mirzayeva Mohigul Bahromjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Nature and Types of the Fable Genre <p><em>This article about the nature and types of the parable genre. The fable easily connects with other genres of literature, deepening their meaning. The fabledevelops logic and imaginative thinking, forms moral values and gives ideas about life.</em></p> Ganiyev Fazliddin Zoyirovich Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 TEACHING READING THROUGH THE USE OF SHORT STORIES <p>The role of literature in teaching foreign language is considerably important in maintaining the interest of students. Therefore, it is considered to be a highly effective tool for language teaching. Moreover, there are many experts who believe that for effective foreign language teaching and&nbsp; learning&nbsp; there&nbsp; should&nbsp; be&nbsp; a proper&nbsp; integration&nbsp; between&nbsp; language&nbsp; and&nbsp; literature. Using literature to teach language has several advantages such as contributing to a better linguistic understanding, a development of creative skills, a higher language proficiency, and an authentic model of language use with its rich potential, it also makes an important contribution to literary appreciation (Ramsaran, 1983). The research in the literature indicates many benefits of using literature in foreign language teaching, particularly in improving reading skills. By reading literary texts students get motivated, become familiar with authentic materials, and learn about a variety of cultures. Indeed, literature presents many positive outcomes in teaching all language skills, in particular students reading skill is honed by using different genres of literature. Short story seems to be the most suitable one since it is short, and aims at giving a ‘single effect’, there is usually one plot, a few characters; there is no detailed description of setting. The aim of this article is to indicate the effectiveness of using short story technique in teaching reading skill.</p> Rakhmonalieva Gullolakhon Abduvokhid qizi, Axmedova Matlubaxon Ibragimdjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Content of the Concept of War and its Artistic Interpretation in Uzbek Classical Literature <p>This article examines the concept of war and its artistic interpretation in Uzbek classical literature. Throughout the history of Uzbek literature, themes of war and conflict have been prominently featured. This article analyzes these themes from the perspectives of heroism, patriotism, tragedy, and the human cost of war. By exploring the creative legacy of key figures such as Amir Timur, Alisher Navoi, Babur, and other significant writers, the various portrayals and interpretations of war in their works are discussed. The article highlights how heroism and patriotism are celebrated, the tragedies and human costs are lamented, and how literary and artistic methods are employed to convey the essence and significance of war.</p> Eshonkulova A. N. Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Significance of Jalaluddin Roman's Scientific Heritage in Improving Social Intelligence in Modern Society <p><em>This article analyzes the importance of Jalaluddin Rumi’s scientific heritage in regulating the system of social relations between individuals and society from a scientific and theoretical point of view.</em></p> Akhmedov Sohib Saimovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Ancient Terminologies for Illnesses and Conditions in English Literary Texts <p><em>This article explores the representation of illnesses and medical conditions in English literary texts through the lens of ancient terminologies. By examining a range of literary works spanning different historical periods, the study delves into the ways in which diseases and ailments were conceptualized and described in ancient times, and how these representations have influenced the language and understanding of illness in literature. Drawing on a diverse selection of texts, the article analyzes the use of archaic medical terminology and its impact on the portrayal of physical and mental afflictions. Furthermore, it investigates the cultural and historical contexts that shaped the language of illness in literature, shedding light on the evolution of medical terminology and its significance in literary expression. Through this exploration, the article aims to offer insights into the intersection of language, literature, and medical discourse, providing a deeper understanding of how ancient terminologies continue to resonate in contemporary literary representations of health and disease.</em></p> Matluba Baxronova Axmedovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Techniques Based on an Integrative Approach for Helping Engineers Develop Critical Thinking <p><em>This article highlights the importance of the integrative approach in education. In addition, the importance of developing critical thinking in engineers and the importance of an integrative approach are discussed.</em></p> Mavlanova Moxira Umrbek qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Semantic Characteristics of Verb Classification in Modern French <p><em>This article examines the semantic features underlying the classification of verbs in modern French. By studying many verbs in the language, research aims to illuminate the patterns and principles that govern their categorization. Based on linguistic theories and methodologies, the study identifies specific meanings and functions associated with different verb classes. It seeks to provide insight into the organization and structure of the French research lexicon through a careful analysis of semantic nuances. Ultimately, the study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of verb usage and classification in modern French linguistics. The article offers a scholarly exploration of the nuances of verb classification in modern French, likely to offer valuable insights for linguists, language learners, and researchers interested in French grammar and semantics.</em></p> Kuldashova Navbakhor Bobokulovna, Teshaeva Shalola Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Effectiveness of Reading Strategies on Reading Comprehension <p><em>Reading is a habit where students learn, gain knowledge, and develop new skills. This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of reading strategies on reading comprehension. The findings were that reading strategies had a positive effect on the students’ reading comprehension. The students had favourable attitudes towards skimming, scanning, making predictions and questioning and they could apply these strategies to their reading processes and they helped them to comprehend the text better.</em></p> Jienbaev Abdibay Jienbay uli Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Methods of teaching English Speaking in Uzbek, Russian, Kazakh, Karakalpak Classes <p><em>The article describes ways to improve the quality of education of English teachers in general secondary schools through the use of innovative methods.</em></p> Jıenbaev Abdıbay Jıenbay uli Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Imperative and its use in Modern French <p><em>The imperative mood is crucial in modern French speech, serving as a tool for giving commands, making requests, and giving advice. This article provides an overview of the imperative mood in modern French, including its formation, usage, and pragmatic functions. By analyzing various examples and linguistic nuances, the article explores how the imperative is used in formal and informal contexts, highlighting its role in effective communication. In addition, it examines the social influence and politeness strategies associated with different imperative forms and emphasizes the importance of context in interpreting their meaning. Overall, the article highlights the importance of the imperative mood as a means of direct communication and interpersonal interaction in the use of modern French.</em></p> Kuldashova Navbakhor Bobokulovna, Turakulova Nigora Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Functions of Civil Law: Questions of Theory <p><em>The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the functions of civil law. The functions of civil law are the impact of civil law norms in certain directions on property relations, as well as on related or unrelated personal non–property relations. The author considers the main functions of civil law to be: regulatory, protective, human rights, educational, compensatory, restorative, punitive functions. Attention is drawn to the fact that functions can be discussed not only at the general theoretical level, but also at the level of a specific branch of law, legal institution or legal norm.</em></p> Qurbonov Doniyorbek Davlat o'g'li Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Pragmalinguistics and it's Difficulties <p>In this article, it is considered that folklore is an art that has been collected by a certain nation over the centuries, embodies the national characteristics of that nation, and whose origins go back to ancient times. It is emphasized that each of its types reflects the feelings, character, dreams, customs and traditions of the creators, as well as from the living climate to the nature. Information is provided about proverbs, one of the folk oral genres that have such characteristics. National-cultural features specific to proverbs in the translation of proverbs are also highlighted.</p> Abdullayeva Zarina Shukhrat kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Features of Karakalpak Folk Rituals Songs <p>This article describes the features of the national identity of the Karakalpak people on the example of Karakalpak folklore heritage. The article is based on the analysis of songs that have developed due to certain customs and traditions of the people. The content and idea of ritual songs, which from all eternity have been integral part of the life of the Karakalpaks, are revealed. Lullabies, wedding, mourning ritual songs, their performance, originality is the object of study. All these features are supported by the given extracts from the songs.</p> Palymbetov Kamalbay Sarsenbaevich Copyright (c) 2024 American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Pragmatic Analysis of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice <p>This research aims to analyze conversational features in pride and prejudice from cooperative principle of pragmatics. Various utterances have been analyzed in the novel with minute observation to figure out the contextual meaning of the dialogues. This study also helps us to analyze every character’s psycho-analytic perception. The contextual meaning has been traced by keeping in mind the background of the existing situation where the characters exchange the dialogues willingly and unwillingly. Jane Austen has given a dramatic touch to this novel with lots of dialogues exchanged among the characters. All chapters in the novel are included mutual conversations and they exchange properly. It deserves to do more justice with elements of pragmatics i.e. Cooperative principle by employing various maxims of CP. It can be seen, as the story unfolds, characters take strong positions and become a vital part of developing plot. Thus I have observed conversation between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet, Jane and Elizabeth etc. to have an eagle-eyed observation of the invisible meaning of various important conversations in different situations in the novel.</p> Rebin Bahroz Amin Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Ways to Develop Quick-Strength Qualities of Young Handball Players <p>In this article, technical and tactical training and fast-strength qualities of young handball athletes during the game are studied from a developmental perspective, focusing on its impact on both learning and physical well-being.</p> Hotamov Mumin Axmadovich, D. B. Mamaziyatov Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Lexical Means of Expressiveness in the Speech of a German Teacher <p><em>The article substantiates the importance of using lexical expressive means in the speech of a German language teacher. The authors identify several groups of lexical means of creating expressiveness within the framework of interaction between teacher and student. A number of lexical means of expressiveness are clichéd in nature, which reduces their emotive potential. Metaphors, epithets and irony have a high degree of expressiveness in pedagogical discourse.</em></p> Rabbanayeva Madina, Beknazarova Mokhiya Kenjayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Occupational Diseases, Causes and Preventive Measures <p><em>This article describes the modern general theoretical aspects of occupational pathology, and also covers the general principles of classification, treatment and prevention of occupational diseases.</em></p> Aitkulova Guljavxar Shekerbayevna, Samadova Sadoqat Abdusalom qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Role of Simile in Metaphorical Models with the Concept "Love" in English and Uzbek <p><em>Metaphor is one of the most effective mental and linguistic forms of knowing and describing the world. Metaphor plays a special role in expressing abstract concepts, including "love", because it makes it easier to understand complex emotions. The article provides information about the basics of similes in the formation of metaphorical models with the concept of "love" in English and Uzbek languages, and briefly touches on the definition of metaphors and similes in linguistics.</em></p> Tadjieva Mastura Fayzullaevna Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Effective Organization of 4k Skills in Russian Language Lessons RFL <p><em>In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of 4K skills—communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity—into language teaching is essential for fostering comprehensive student development. This article examines effective strategies for organizing and enhancing these skills in Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) lessons. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical examples, the study provides a framework for educators to effectively incorporate 4K skills into their teaching methodologies, ultimately aiming to improve language proficiency and prepare students for the demands of the 21st century.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Eshmuradov Shuxrat Xujanovich Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Development Prospects of the Art of Dance <p><em>As we all know, the world of art is priceless with its diversity. In particular, the world of "dance", which is considered a symbol of elegance and beauty, is developing day by day, and the development of the field is reaching high peaks. The charm and uniqueness of the art of dance has given special pleasure to art lovers in all eras. However, the art of dance has gone through a long path of development, oppression and restrictions until it became what it is today. It was polished in different ways in different periods and manifested in different forms. This article also talks about the stages of historical development of the art of "dance", the achievements made over the years and some shortcomings.</em></p> Valijonova Sugdiyona Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Importance of Methods in Teaching <p>. <em>In this article, opinions about the use of various methods and didactic methods in teaching mathematics to students of the Faculty of Humanities are discussed, as well as explained with examples.</em></p> Muxammadiyeva Dilshoda Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity <p><em>Language is a fundamental aspect of human culture, serving as a primary means of communication and a key component in the formation of cultural identity. This article explores the multifaceted role of language in shaping and expressing cultural identity. By examining linguistic diversity, the relationship between language and thought, and the impact of language on social cohesion and cultural continuity, we aim to highlight the profound influence language has on individuals and communities. Through this analysis, we underscore the importance of preserving linguistic diversity as a means of maintaining cultural heritage and promoting intercultural understanding.</em></p> Qilichboyeva Rayhona Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Linguocognitive Classification of the Concept of "Fear" In Uzbek and English Artistic Discourse <p>This article examines the concept of "fear" in Uzbek and English literary discourse using a linguistic-cognitive framework. . Through a comparative analysis of literary works, we identify the main conceptual metaphors and metonymies used to express fear, and study their cultural and linguistic influence. Our findings reveal distinct but interrelated conceptualizations of fear across the two languages and highlight the influence of cultural background on the linguistic expression of this basic human emotion.</p> Jabborova Gulhayo Fakhriddinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Types of Synchronous Corpus and Their Significance <p>A synchronous corpus is a collection of texts or conversations that have been recorded or transcribed in real-time. There are several types of synchronous corpora, each serving a specific purpose in linguistic research and language study. Some common types of synchronous corpora include spoken language corpora, chat corpora, and text messaging corpora. Synchronous corpora play a crucial role in linguistic research by providing researchers with real-life examples of language use in various contexts. They offer a rich source of data for studying language variation, language change, and the impact of technology on language use. By analyzing synchronous corpora, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of how language is used in everyday communication and how it evolves over time.</p> Mahmudova Dildora Murodilloyevna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Study of Paremiological Units in Uzbek and World Linguistics <p>The proverb, which is considered one of the ancient examples of folklore, is different it is different from other genres due to its short, concise, figurative and deep content stands out. The ancient and rich spirituality of each nation through proverbs appears. Proverbs are extremely rich and diverse in terms of subject matter can be used literally or figuratively. For proverbs as an object, persons, things, and at the same time, animals are taken.</p> Nafruza Azizova Esanboyevna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Education Proverbs in French and Their Equivalents in Uzbek <p>This proverb concerns the field of formation of French and Uzbek folk proverbs. That is, the similarities and differences of folk proverbs for both sides are highlighted. From these proverbs, considered the spiritual heritage of every nation, exemplary examples in the direction of education are given. The Uzbek versions of French proverbs and their classification are clearly stated.</p> Rajabova Zarina Iskandar qizi, Ikromova Lola Boltayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Types of Equivalence in Terminological Translation <p>Terminology translation is a specialty within the broader field of translation that focuses on accurately and accurately conveying terminology from one language to another. In this article, we discuss the different types of compliance in terminology translation, what they mean and the strategies used to achieve them.</p> Qodirova Dilnoza Xoliq qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Phonetic Instruction in English Language Teaching <p>When teaching English to speakers of other languages, especially ESL (English as a Second Language) students, phonetic training is essential. Proficiency in phonetics can greatly improve students' listening comprehension, pronunciation, and general communicative competence. This article highlights the value of phonetic education, looks at the difficulties teachers have, and offers solutions for its application in ESL classes.</p> Rahimjonova Xumora Ziyovuddin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Application of Digital Maps in Land Use <p>This article describes the results of the inventory of land owned by land users and tenants in the Karavulbazar district of the Bukhara region, identifying the problems and shortcomings identified during the inventory. The innovative technologies used in the census, the importance of statistical data in the system of rational and efficient use of land resources, the preparation of digital maps based on the data obtained during the census, and the use of these digital maps in the field of national economy. It has been suggested that it be used.</p> Asatov Jasurbek Sayitqulovich Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Linguistic Characteristics of the Form –Ayotgan Bo‘Lsa and its Changes <p>In the article, the linguistic features of the form of -ayotgan bo‘lsa and its change are analyzed. Linguistic (paradigmatic) feature of the form -yyung bolsa consists of conditional, present tense, continuation patterns and relationship (syntactic feature). If necessary, one or the other meaning of the form of "-ayotgan bo‘lsa" is strengthened and concretized with the help of a dictionary tool. This is done in a clarifying context. In the clarifying context for the conditional term, this term is emphasized and strengthened by means of the auxiliary words agar, bordi-yu, basharti, mabodo, magar. These words are synonymous with the form -yungola, or more precisely, the -sa part of this form, and serve to express connotation: Relevant symbols and syntactic features are defined in the form itself, and the context for their expression is neutral enough - ayotgan bo‘lsa the form is imperative, it is also used in contexts that are inconvenient due to the present tense and syntactic features.</p> Safarov Firuz Sulaymonovich Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Synonymy of Conditional Meaning in Uzbek Literary Language <p>The article analyzes the semantics of conditional means in the Uzbek literary language. The expression of the meaning of the condition in speech (sentence, text) with one, two or three means is explained. Forms denoting the meaning of the condition in a favorable context express the terms of the present, past, and future tenses, clarify or strengthen these terms in a clarifying context, and change the paradigmatic nature of these forms in an unfavorable context. Attention is also paid to the use of the auxiliary word (agar) denoting the condition.</p> Safarov Firuz Sulaymonovich Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Innоvаtivе Аpprоаchеs tо Tеаching Phоnics tо Yоung Lеаrnеrs <p>In this аrticlе, thе оpiniоns оf оur cоuntry's аnd fоrеign sciеntists аbоut innоvаtivе аpprоаchеs tо tеаching phоnеtics tо yоung studеnts аrе mеntiоnеd.</p> Tilаvоldiyеvа Gulchеxrаxоn Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Analysis of the Main Principles of Using ICT Tools in the Process of Foreign Language Teaching <p>this article analyzes the main principles of using ICT tools in the process of foreign language teaching. To understand the role and importance of ICT in foreign language teaching, to connect the educational requirements and needs of foreign language learners with ICT, to integrate ICT into the educational process, to teach the teacher in the classroom using ICT are discussed. The analysis of current issues in foreign language teaching, such as setting the place, achieving the authenticity of the language and task (exercise), is also included in the article.</p> Norqulova Muqaddas Baxriddinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Methodological Model for Developing Communicative Competence of Medical University Students Based on Interactive Methods using Authentic Fictional Video Materials <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To develop and test a methodological model for improving the English communicative competence of medical university students using authentic artistic films.</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods:</strong> The study used authentic video materials, specifically the medical TV series "House M.D.," along with a specially developed educational guide. Interactive teaching methods were applied to develop the four components of communicative competence. The study involved conducting classes using these materials and methods, as well as testing to evaluate their effectiveness.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The use of authentic artistic films in the learning process significantly improved students' communicative competence. According to the study, the experimental groups showed substantial improvement in material retention compared to the control groups: 62% of students mastered all four aspects (compared to 1.1% in the control group), 34.5% mastered three aspects (compared to 2.3%), 40.7% mastered two aspects (compared to 20.9%), and only 2.8% of the experimental group did not master any aspects (compared to 45.8% in the control group). The only negative result in mastering one aspect (15.8% compared to 29.9%) is still considered positive since most students in the experimental group mastered more aspects and provided their responses. The experiment demonstrated high results in forming discursive, sociolinguistic, and strategic competencies, as well as the ability to adequately choose and use language tools in various situations.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The methodological model based on the use of authentic artistic films and interactive teaching methods proved effective in improving the English communicative competence of medical university students. The study results confirm the feasibility of applying this model to achieve high educational goals.</p> Ilona Khalitovna Israilova Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Relevance of Ethnopedagogical Approaches in the Process of Innovative Education <p>This paper examines the relevance of ethnopedagogical approaches in the context of innovative education. Ethnopedagogy, which integrates traditional knowledge and cultural values into educational practices, enhances student engagement and motivation by making learning more culturally relevant and relatable. It fosters inclusivity and equity by recognizing and valifying diverse cultural perspectives, thereby creating a more supportive and respectful learning environment. Furthermore, ethnopedagogical approaches develop critical thinking and intercultural competence, preparing students for global citizenship. These approaches also promote social justice by challenging Eurocentric educational models and addressing systemic inequities.</p> Turdiyeva Nigora Saidovna Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Discourse Analysis of Consumer Behavior in the Film Crazy Rich Asian <p>This study focuses on the consumerism depicted in the Crazy Rich Asian flicks. The theories used in this study include communication theory, cinema theory, consumptive behaviour, consumptive lifestyle, and discourse analysis. This study employs descriptive qualitative research methodologies, including discourse analysis combined with a case study methodology. The subjects in this study are Crazy Rich Asian flicks, while the objective are consumption habits. Data collecting techniques include observation and the study of literature. The Teun A. Van Dijk model discourse analysis was used to analyse the data. The results of this study reveal that the built consumptive lifestyle is the way a person demonstrates his identity via the use of time, money, and luxury products that lead to.</p> Ali Ghafil Harbi Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Differences of Compound Words from Word Combinations <p>The article examines the differences between compound words and word combinations in the Karakalpak language. Compound words and word combinations are compared with each other and their characteristic features are determined.</p> Bekbergenov Kidirbay Ayjarikovich Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Analyzing Complex Numbers using Numerical Theory <p>Complex numbers, which are essential in several branches of mathematics and engineering, provide distinctive difficulties and possibilities for study. This study examines the use of numerical theory in analysing complicated numbers, offering valuable insights into their characteristics and behaviours across many situations. Through the use of numerical techniques, our objective is to enhance comprehension of intricate number systems, namely in the resolution of equations, examination of functions, and representation of real-world occurrences.</p> <p>First, we will examine the fundamental characteristics of complex numbers, which include their depiction in Cartesian and polar forms, as well as their operations, such as addition, multiplication, and complex conjugation. The study subsequently explores more sophisticated subjects, such as the origins of complex numbers, and the use of numerical methods to estimate these origins.</p> <p>This research mostly centres on using numerical methods to solve intricate problems. We analyse the convergence qualities and computing efficiency of approaches such as the Newton-Raphson method, iterative refinement, and the Durand-Kerner method. The study also examines the use of these techniques using contemporary computer tools and software, emphasising its tangible applications in the fields of engineering and physics.</p> <p>In addition, we examine the numerical stability and error analysis in the realm of complex number calculations. This is an examination of problems related to floating-point arithmetic and the techniques used to reduce numerical imprecisions. Emphasis is placed on the condition numbers of complex functions and their influence on the resilience of numerical solutions.</p> <p>The practical importance of numerical analysis of complex numbers is shown by examining applications in engineering, such as signal processing and control systems. Case studies exemplify the use of numerical approaches in solving real-world situations that include intricate variables, highlighting the adaptability and efficacy of these techniques.</p> Aseel Najeh Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Conflict Between the Hero and the Teacher in Normurod Norkabilov's Stories <p>The article talks about the depiction of a child's life in the stories of N. Norkabilov, "Oriyat", "Erkak", “Hesh” the emergence of a conflict in the story, and the artistic quality of detail in the work.</p> Azamat Khairullaev Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Exploring Semantic Complexity in Diplomatic Discourse: Examples of Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, and Polysemy <p><em>Diplomatic discourse is characterized by a rich and nuanced vocabulary, with terms that often carry multiple meanings and interpretations. This article examines the semantic complexity of diplomatic language, focusing on examples of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and polysemy within the context of international relations. By exploring these linguistic phenomena, we gain insights into the intricacies of diplomatic communication and the dynamic nature of diplomatic terminology.</em></p> Absamadova Munira Isroilovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Paremiological Units - as a Special Type of Phraseological Units with a Sentence Structure <p>. <em>In this article&nbsp; Paremiological units are analyzed as a special type of phraseological units with sentence structure. Paremas are the object of study of literary studies because they are passed down from generation to generation only orally, they are a product of folk art, because most of them are often similar to poetic form and they use a number of figurative tools such as simile, antithesis, anaphora, alliteration, irony, pitch. At the same time, paremas are also an object of study of linguistics, as they are made up of words and consist of sentences expressing a certain idea.</em></p> Tursunov Ahmad Amirovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Characteristics of Surkhondaryo's Art of Giving <p><em>Through this article, we want to bring to the public the great service of the Sherabad school of epics in bringing our epics, which are a major genre of folklore, to the present day, and at the same time show that the efforts of our graduates from this school are meaningless.</em></p> Khushbakhtova Dilnoza Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Calculations in Agriculture the Need and Relevance of Legal Regulation <p><em>the impact of the judicial system on Civil Relations related to the calculations of the subjects of, an event operating in the field of Agriculture, the specific aspects of the existing legal framework were studied. In solving issues of legal regulation of calculations in agriculture, proposals and recommendations were developed aimed at increasing the capabilities of the judicial system.</em></p> Yu.f.n. U. A. Umarov Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Syncretism of the Fantastic and Realistic Categories within Joanne Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." <p><em>This article explores how modern English children's literature, focusing on Joanne Rowling's "Harry Potter" novel, blends elements of fantasy and reality. It suggests that incorporating realistic elements like place names, animal names, plant names, characters, scientific principles, and natural phenomena in fantasy narratives bridges the gap between the fantastical and the real. This fusion ultimately fosters a harmonious coexistence of both realms.</em></p> Mohira Tursunova Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Peculiarities of Translating Economic Terms from English into Uzbek <p>This article examines the unique challenges involved in translating economic terms from English into Uzbek. It discusses the linguistic and cultural contexts, identifies specific challenges such as terminological gaps and polysemy, and suggests effective strategies for translation. The study includes case studies on translating "Gross Domestic Product" and "Quantitative Easing," offering practical insights for translators. The article aims to enhance understanding and improve practices in economic term translation between English and Uzbek.</p> Saodat Kasimova Mirsaidovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Evolution of Meaning: The Causes of the Evolution of the Meaning of Words, The Restriction and Extension of Meaning <p>This article is about the causes of the evolution of the meaning of words, the restriction and extension of meaning. Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that analyzes the lexicon of a specific language. A word is the smallest meaningful unit of a language that can stand on its own, and is made up of small components called morphemes and even smaller elements known as phonemes, or distinguishing sounds. Lexicology examines every feature of a word – including formation, spelling, origin, usage, and definition.</p> Sabirova Gulasal Babadjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Problems of Translation Practice <p>This article is about the problems of translation practice. Translation demands a deep understanding of both grammar and culture. Translators need to know the rules of a language as well as the habits of the people who speak it. And even for the most experienced professionals, confusion and frustration are familiar feelings. French or every other language has its specific structure that complied with agreed rules and might have vast differences from each other. For example, in English, the adjective sits before the noun, but in French, an adjective is placed after a noun. As a result, linguists frequently have to add, remove, or rearrange source words to make the communication more natural.</p> Radjabova Maftuna Bakhromovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Grammatical Principles in French Newspaper Headlines <p>This study is devoted to the study of the grammatical features of headlines in French newspapers. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the grammatical principles used in the construction of newspaper headlines in French. As research material, the titles of the newspapers Le Monde, Le Figaro and Libération were selected. Headings were analyzed in terms of grammatical structure, verb forms, articulations and other grammatical features. The results of the study showed that when making headlines in French newspapers, short and concise grammatical structures, simple forms of the verb present and past tense, clear articulations are widely used. Also found in the headings are acquired pronouns and abbreviated forms of adjectives. The results of the study can be used in the teaching of French, in the practice of translation and in the linguistic analysis of newspaper texts.</p> Jurayeva Maksuda Mukhammadovna, Zokirova Madinabonu Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Problems of Formation and Development of Grammatical Skills and Ways to Solve Them <p>Grammar is the structure of a language. Language turns into speech thanks to grammar. In this article highlights of problems of formation and development of grammatical skills and ways to solve them.</p> Sobirova Nazokat Karimboevna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Development of Critical Thinking of Students <p>The formation of competencies involves not only knowledge, but also the experience of independent practical activity and personal responsibility of students for their words and deeds.</p> Allanyazov Marat Baxavedinovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 System and Basic Concepts of Patriotic Education of Youth <p>In the article, thoughts on educating our students in patriotism are put forward. It has been analyzed that educating young students who are the future of our country with high moral qualities, patriotic, humane, physically strong, loving the country, having military knowledge, and the spirit of national pride is the most urgent issue of today. The article can be used by the relevant representatives.</p> Mirzakhmedov Sherzod Mahsudovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Surrealistic Tensions and Existential Angst: A Probe of Idiographic analysis on Franz Kafka’s the Metamorphosis <p>This research explores the interplay of Surrealism and Existentialism in Franz Kafka's novella, "The Metamorphosis." Kafka’s narrative is renowned for its surreal depiction of a man, Gregor Samsa, who awakens to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect. This transformation serves as a powerful metaphor for the existential themes of alienation, identity crisis, and the absurdity of human existence. Through a surreal lens, Kafka vividly portrays Gregor’s internal and external struggles, emphasizing the dissonance between his human consciousness and his monstrous form. This study has beenemploy a qualitative approach, focus on literary analysis to explore the themes of surrealism and existentialism in Kafka's novella. The Research delves into how Kafka employs surreal elements to magnify existential concerns, such as the meaningless routines of daily life, the erosion of personal relationships, and the quest for purpose in an indifferent world. By analyzing key scenes and symbols in "The Metamorphosis," the research highlights the intricate fusion of surrealism and existentialism, offering a deeper understanding of Kafka’s commentary on the human condition. Through this dual philosophical framework, Kafka’s work is positioned as a profound critique of modern existence, reflecting the pervasive anxieties of his time and resonating with contemporary readers.</p> Satabdi Malita, Bipul Chakraborty Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 LINGUA-CULTURE AS ONE OF THE MAIN AREAS OF LINGUISTIC RESEARCH <p>The article discusses Lingua-culture which is one of the main areas of linguistic research. It explains the influences and differences that exist in different languages and cultures, as well as to study the interactions between different languages and cultures.</p> Kobilova Aziza Baxriddinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Influence of Islam on English and American Literature of the 20th Century <p>Important moral and philosophical framework of the English literature and some important twentieth-century English writers and their ideas from Islamic perspectives have been assessed. Such an approach to English literature is vital for establishing its relevance to Muslim societies and is in line with postcolonial perspectives on the subject. It is intended to suggest an alternative (Islamic) way of looking at English writers and their works, especially considering the cultural realities of Muslim settings.</p> Mukhtorova Maftuna Ilkhom kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Methods of Using Interactive Whiteboards in the Teaching of English Verbs in the 8th Karakalpak Classes <p>This article deals with the methods of using interactive whiteboards in teaching English verb vocabulary. If these methods are used effectively, the students of this class will have fully mastered the vocabulary of the English language, which will eliminate possible shortcomings in oral and written speech.</p> Jıenbaev Abdıbay Jıenbay o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Features of The Study of Conceptual Units In Literary Texts <p>Literature concept is considered, first of all, as a unity of individual mind of the field of concept verbally expressed in a single text of the writer’s work. It is noted that the nature and methods of expressing the national concept in the literature world of a certain author determine the characteristics of his individual concept. It was found that the use of a certain method of analysis of literature concepts largely depends on the studied object (a specific author, a specific literature text), as well as the type of the studied concept.</p> Rizayeva Zarnigor Ikramovna Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS ABOUT DOMESTIC ANIMALS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES <p>This article explores the rich cultural diversity of proverbs from both Uzbek and English, with a particular emphasis on proverbs concerning domestic animals. Proverbs offer particular perspectives into the principles, beliefs, and cultural peculiarities of a community since they are statements of collective knowledge. Through an examination of a particular selection of proverbs regarding domestic animals in these languages, this article looks at how these proverbs represent the traits, behaviors and symbolism of domestic animals, comparing and contrasting their depictions.</p> Ruziyeva Umida Abruyqul kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Category of Pronominal Verb in Italian and Its Perception By Russian Speakers <p>The article analyzes the formation of pronominal verbs in the Italian language, studies their role in a sentence and their transformation. The perception of pronominal verbs by Russian speakers is also considered.</p> Tillyaeva Munire Nadirovna, Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Specific Theories, Subject Matter and Development Perspectives of Translation <p>The article describes translation theories that shed light on the general theory of translation. The authors call the described theories "specific translation theories." Specific examples from German and English illustrate the possibilities of applying these theories in translation practice. The authors came to the conclusion that the diversity of translation theories that have appeared in recent decades has created the need to systematize them. Special theories of translation have a purely practical nature, which is explained by different genres of translated texts.</p> Zuparova Lobar Karimovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Improving the Study of Educational Subject Through Folklore in Primary Education <p>Folklore is the oral history of a culture's customs, including music, storytelling, history, folklore, and myths, passed down through generations. Recognizing the familiarity of folklore in everyday life. This research starts with creating Folklore-based teaching materials using the 4D research design (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Data is gathered through many methods, including literature review, classroom observations, interviews, and questionnaire distribution. This study collected data in the field using observation sheets, interviews, field notes, and questionnaires to get user responses.</p> Berdimurodova Mekhrubon Masudjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Importance of CLT Principles in Teaching Languages <p>The article focuses on the deep understanding of CLT in the field of English Language Teaching in Uzbekistan context. The main purpose of the article is to guide language teachers in learning the principles of CLT and to provide possible ways of applying them in teaching.</p> Y. R. Yarmatova Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Educational Ideas in Makhtumkuli’s Work <p>In this article, some poems of Makhtumkuli Firoghi were analyzed. Also, attention was paid to the issues of artistic features and poetic skill in the poet's poems.</p> Sayyora Raimova Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Fiction as the Art of Words <p>Just as artists paint a canvas with watercolors, oils or gouache, so writers, using fiction, words and language structures, create a work. Fiction acts on a par with other types of creativity - music, sculpture, painting. The subject of literature, like any other form of art, is objective reality, not limited by any boundaries.</p> Kaliknazarova Shahzoda Begisbay qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Abdurahman Sa'di's "Practical and Theoretical Literature Lessons" (“Amaliy ham nazariy adabiyot darslari”) (Tashkent, 1924) <p>As Turkestan modernists began to prepare various programs and textbooks for new method schools, this process directly became a prelude to the creation of the country's national history, geography, culture, and literary studies. Attempts to form the history, theory, and literary criticism of the national literature first began in the national press, and later rose to the main stage in literature textbooks written for middle and upper classes. Here is one of such textbooks - "Amaliy ham nazariy adabiyot darslari" written by Abdurahman Sa’di was published in March 1924 in Tashkent.</p> Nodira Egamqulova Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Rhetorical and Picture Styles in the Works of Five Children Poets and Their use as Literature Teaching Materials in SMP <p>This study explores the rhetorical and pictorial styles in the works of five prominent children's poets and evaluates their effectiveness as teaching materials in Iraqi junior high schools (SMP). The poets selected for analysis include A.A. Milne, Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss, Roald Dahl, and Jack Prelutsky, whose works are renowned for their unique linguistic and visual styles. By examining their poetry, the study aims to uncover how these elements contribute to the overall impact and educational value of the texts.</p> <p>Rhetorical styles in children's poetry often encompass a range of linguistic devices such as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and metaphor, which are designed to engage young readers and enhance their understanding of language. These devices not only make the poems enjoyable but also facilitate the development of phonological awareness, vocabulary, and interpretive skills. The visual components, including illustrations and typographic choices, complement the text and enrich the reading experience, making abstract concepts more accessible to children.</p> <p>The research employs a qualitative methodology, analyzing a selection of poems from each author to identify common rhetorical techniques and visual styles. The findings indicate that the integration of these elements in poetry significantly aids in capturing the interest of students and promoting a deeper appreciation for literature. Moreover, the study suggests practical strategies for educators to incorporate these poems into their teaching practices, emphasizing interactive and creative activities that align with the national curriculum.</p> <p>The conclusion underscores the importance of selecting high-quality literary works for educational purposes and highlights the potential of children's poetry to foster a lifelong love of reading. The study advocates for a more prominent place for poetry in the literature curriculum, encouraging teachers to leverage the unique styles of these poets to enhance literary education.</p> Khalid Hadi Naji Copyright (c) 2024 American Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education (2993-2769) Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Intentional Significance in the Words of the Noble Qur’an <p>The term intentionality has remained obscure since the ninth century AH, when Al-Sharif Al-Jurjani (740-816 AH, 1339-1413 AD) mentioned it in his encyclopedia (The Book of Definitions), until it was brought back to mind by the philosopher (Francis Brentano (1917-1838), and then its scope was narrowed by the late linguist Sibit Al-Nili. In the language, intentionality means that single words are given their single meanings in an intentional and inevitable manner, and one word cannot cover another word, except in a specific context, such as the Almighty’s saying: “You are the best nation” and “and remembered after a time” and that Abraham was a nation. “We notice that the word (nation) has limited meaning to a group that meets in a fateful unity, but the linguistic and functional clues have suggested a new meaning, According to most commentators, the first means (the group), the second takes on the meaning of (duration), and the third stops at the meaning of (the role model and the imam); The context in the noble verses clothed the word with new analysis and connotations, thus inspiring the functional relationships in the phrase. When words are used singularly, they are intended for themselves, as if they were independent, non-colonized countries that possessed their own components, without relying on others. Therefore, when interpreting a word with another word, this is a kind of distortion or approximation, or what is termed as (interpretation), and the closest interpretation of a word is with a set of words and not with another word. Intentionality is essentially a mental property that expresses an orientation or attachment. Its task is mental representation, that is, the mind’s ability to represent things.</p> <p>The intention in the noble verse or any literary text becomes clear through the linguistic structure, in addition to its great impact in the study of emotion, as it is a special state of the mind (desire, belief, hope, and judgments about things). We will examine its patterns and uses in the Glorious Qur’an. The Qur’anic text is a religious text whose source is Allah - Glory be to Him - and its goal is to elevate man and bring him to the highest levels of perfection. Therefore, the Qur’anic text is considered a text of guidance, Alla Almighty said: “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah.” {Al-Baqarah 2},In addition, the Qur’anic text has unleashed the energies of the language and mobilized its rules and arts in getting closer to it and realizing its textual goals. Ali bin Abi Talib - may Allah honor his face - said: “The surface of the Qur’an is elegant and its interior is deep. Its wonders do not fade away, its strange things do not disappear, and darknesses are not revealed except through it.” His words were interpreted by some theological groups as saying that the Noble Qur’an has an outer and a inner part. This is what he does not aim for and does not concern him - may the best prayers and peace be upon him -. Rather, he wanted to describe the Qur’an in the language of his time, pointing to the apparent significance and the deep significance in seeking meanings and the human, scientific and jurisprudential dimensions that the text suggests.</p> Wafa Abd Mohammed Al-Waeli, Hanaa Abd Mohammed Al-Waeli Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Determining the Components of Transitivity System on the Song “A Whole New World”: An Experiential Function Analysis <p><em>This research aims to determine the components of the transitivity system, namely processes, participants and circumstance which are used in the lyrics of the song "A Whole New World". This research was conducted because many listeners and users of this song do not know the meaning of the lyrics,. This research was conducted using a qualitative method, namely the method of collecting data by analyzing each clause in the lyrics. This research was collected by taking several steps, namely listening and reading the lyrics of the song first, and then analyzing each clause contained in the lyrics, and finally by identifying the use of the transitivity system components in the lyrics of the song "A Whole New World". The data from this study are sourced from lyric papers. So this study found the transitivity system components (Process, Participants and Circumstances) used in the lyrics of the song "A Whole New World". Where in the lyrics of the song is found the use of material, mental, relational (attributive and identifying), verbal, existential processes. Use of Participants namely actor, senser, carrier, token, sayer, existent, target, attribute, phenomenon, verbiage, value participants. And also the use of circumstances extent (temporal and spatial), location (temporal and spatial), contingency, accompaniment. So, it was found that the most dominant use of transitivity system components used was Process Material (48%), Participant Attribute (24%), and also Location Temporal circumstance (30%).</em></p> Bloner Sinurat, Vera Ningsi Situmeang, Hotnola Simanungkalit, Fhingki Vanny Napitupulu, Herman Herman, Yanti Kristina Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Applied Linguistics: Analysis of The Translation Methods Used in Translating Poetry "Peace” <p><em>The objective of this research was to describe the ability of the fourth semester students in translating a poetry entitled Peace from English to Indonesian. The research is to find the translation method that used by the students in translating poetry and to identify the most dominant translation method that used by the students in translating a poetry. The subject of the research is the fourth semester students of English Department in Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar (UHKBPNP). The data was a translation test. The research used descriptive qualitative method as a research design. Result of the research shows there are 6 types of translation method that used by the students in translating the poetry, they are word-for-word translation (1,75 %), literal translation (20,27%), faithful translation (25,66%), free translation (30,03%), communicative translation (12,93%), semantic translation (10,16%), since the other method are rarely to use for translating poetry. And the most dominant translation method that used by the students is free translation (30,03%).</em></p> Leonita Maria Efipanias Manihuruk, Berlin Sibarani, Marlina Agkris Tambunan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Marxist Aesthetics: Exploring Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels’ Perspectives On Art And Literature <p>The text extensively discusses Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ approach to art and literature in an academic manner. It elaborates on their thoughts by referencing various sources, particularly focusing on Marx’s literary inclinations in detail. It explains Marx and Engels’ understanding of realism, their perspective on art, and the relationship between art and societal transformation, while conveying the fundamental principles of Marxist aesthetics. Additionally, the text delves into how art influences the structure of society and elaborates on the evolution of socialist realism. Therefore, the text provides an in-depth analysis of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ perspectives on art and literature using an academic language.</p> Bayram Bilir Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF CORPUS RESEARCH <p>this article gives general information about the main directions of Corpus linguistics and important features of it. In addition, it provides several notions from famous linguists namely V.P. Zakharov, T. McEnery, E. Finegan, M. McCarthy and etc as well as they identified main distinctive charactersitics of Corpus Linguistics.</p> Dilnoza Dexkanova Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Phraseologisms Related to Food in English as a Reflection of Popular Thought <p>Using the example of phraseological units of the Andean language with the component<br>'gastronomic product', the article shows that in the English-speaking environment the most important<br>are the values of the material, physical and social level, while emotional, spiritual and moral values<br>are poorly represented. Using the analysis of the expression plan of phraseological units, such an area<br>of Andean life as taste habits (in relation to nutrition: food and drinks) is described.</p> Rakhmonova Irodakhon Odilovna, Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Role of Television in the Development of English Language Competencies in Primary School Pupils within the Bamenda III Municipality <p>The Educational system in Cameroon has undergone significant changes regarding the use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. With the constant growth in understanding ICTs in governance, business and in the development process, ICT has increased the scope of learning processes. It provides new learning material. Thus, (ICT) in English language learning and teaching has been the researchers, focus of attention It is based on this prelude that this study seeks to find out the positive effects of television in the development of English language competencies in primary school pupils within the Bamenda III Municipality. The study used the survey research design which comprises of cross sectional and quantitative designs. The data used was solicited from primary sources which is through questionnaires and interviews. A sample of 110 respondents mainly selected teachers from public, lay private and mission nursery and primary schools in Bamenda III municipality with a span from January to November, 2020. The study employed the descriptive and inferential statistics using the ANOVA multiple regression approach. The findings of the study revealed that an increase in the use of television will lead to a moderate increase in the development of language skills. The p value=0.004 which is less than 0.05 indicating a significant relationship between the use of television and the development of language skills. From the findings, this study recommended that the Teachers should undergo pedagogic training on the use of ICT in teaching. Teachers should be encouraged to use ICT tools often in passing out knowledge. Schools should be equipped with a complete ICT unit. Teachers should be sensitize on the importance of ICT in teaching. They should learn to be able to identify their learning needs, define their learning strategies, develop and implement a learning plan and evaluate the learning gained, with or without the help of others (by using ICT tools). The government and stakeholders and parents should reinforce use of ICT in schools through proper monitoring and evaluation.</p> Emilian Muyang Tembon Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Important Aspects in Financial Translation <p>In this article, we explain the concept of financial translation and the types of financial documents. We also focus on the challenges of financial translation and the importance of hiring an expert. Finally, we answer some frequently asked questions on this topic.</p> Abdullayeva Zarina Shukhratovna, Aymatova Mokhinur Abraykulovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 THE MAIN FEATURES OF ICT IN DEVELOPING SPEECH COMPETENCY <p>. this article gives information about improving speech competency through information and communication technologies in Universities. In addition, it provides several feasible methods in enhancing speech competency as well as brings approaches and ideas from prominent pedagogues.</p> Zarina Abdunazarova Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Comparative Analysis of Wedding Ceremonies in Uzbek and Korakalpok Folklore <p><em>This article presents a comparative analysis of wedding rituals in Uzbek and Karakalpak folklore and their artistic interpretations. In this process, actions and words are spoken. The modern appearance of these rituals is also described.</em></p> Sayyora Bazarbaevna Bekchanova Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Abdulla Qahhor and Storytelling <p>When discussing the genre of storytelling, one cannot overlook Abdullah Qahhor's narratives and his impact on Uzbek literature. This article examines Qahhor's contributions to Uzbek storytelling, explores the narrative genre's significance in Uzbek literature, and analyzes the destinies of the story's protagonists.</p> Abdullayeva Rufina Usman qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 ARADIGMATICS OF SYNTAXEMS REPRESENTED BY MONOVALENT COMPONENTS INSTEAD OF THE PREDICATIVE OF THE CORE 1 <p>This article describes syntaxemes representing monovalent syntactic units, their variants, and the possibilities of combining them with other syntaxemes in English sentences. It was found that the univalent nuclear predicative 1 components express 7 different syntaxemes within the framework of substantiality, 2 different syntaxemes in the processual base, and can combine with 4 different processual, 2 different substantial, and 2 different qualifying syntaxemes. It also provides a brief overview of the development of syntaxeme analysis. The article may be of interest to researchers involved in functional linguistics as well as English language learners.</p> Mehribon Mahmudjonova Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 PLAN FOR MASTERING PEDAGOGICAL REFLECTION <p><em>Observation of the developmental stage of the teacher’s communication with children showed the unity of all its features in the early stages of reflection formation and their independent functioning in the later stages. According to S.V. Kondrateva, all types and forms of reflection are activated by the pedagogue during his attempts to observe and analyze his own behavior and children’s behavior. </em></p> Vapayeva Fazilat Shuhratovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400