Tanjung Lesung: A Natural Tourism Destination For The New Era Post-Covid-19


  • Khusen Ibragimov , Nida Fauziyyah


New normal, Natural tourist of destination, Characteristic of tourist, Alternative travel, Perception Consumer Matrix Mapping.


The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicts that
tourism visits which are estimated to be in the 20-30% range will decrease to 3% - 4% due to the
COVID-19 pandemic (UNWTO: 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the acceleration
in all aspects of life, especially changes in the lifestyle of the Indonesian people since the echo of
the new normal era. Especially in the tourism sector, it needs fast recovery for innovations. The
concept of natural tourism (open space) is an alternative to tourism in the new normal era. This
condition encourages changes in tourist behavior to be able to adapt to the new normal. Natural
Tourism Destinations are described in the attributes of attraction, accessibility, amenities, and
ancillary. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method and the sampling technique used in this
study was purposive sampling, with 100 respondents. Data analysis, perception consumer matrix
mapping, and cartesian diagram. Based on the results in quadrant A, shows the sub-attributes of
tourist attraction, Health Protocol Services, and Location. Sub-attributes in quadrant B are natural
panorama, uniqueness of attractions, parking space, safety, tourist destination facilities, and
promotions. In quadrant C there are varied attractions, track conditions, tourist information canters,
and physical development. In quadrant D there are modes of transportation and cleanliness.




How to Cite

Nida Fauziyyah , K. I. ,. (2024). Tanjung Lesung: A Natural Tourism Destination For The New Era Post-Covid-19. Intersections of Faith and Culture: American Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (2993-2599), 2(3), 140–152. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJRCS/article/view/4051