Histomarphology of the Muscle Tissue System (Literature Analysis)


  • Rashidov Khujakhan Karim son Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, University of Livestock and Biotechnology, Talented students
  • Erboboyev Umarjon Ikram son Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, University of Livestock and Biotechnology, Talented students
  • Elmurad Abdigulomovich Mukhtarov V.F.F.D., (PhD) assistant, Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, University of Livestock and Biotechnology
  • Mizayev Ziyer Rajabovich Assistant, Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, University of Livestock and Biotechnology
  • Nomuradova Zuhra Faizulaevna Assistant Professor, Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, University of Livestock and Biotechnology


Smooth muscle, transverse muscle, cardiac muscle, Myofilament, myoprotofibril


Muscle tissue consists of cells specialized for contraction. Muscles are divided into three types according to their structure and function: skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, and smooth muscle cells. Skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are called striated muscle cells because they display alternating rows of striations. In all types of muscles, contraction occurs as a result of the movement of myosin and actin enzymes. Nuclei of muscle cell and muscle fiber are synonymous. Knowing this, we will analyze the literature together.




How to Cite

Rashidov Khujakhan Karim son, Erboboyev Umarjon Ikram son, Mukhtarov, E. A., Rajabovich, M. Z., & Faizulaevna, N. Z. (2024). Histomarphology of the Muscle Tissue System (Literature Analysis). Intersections of Faith and Culture: American Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (2993-2599), 2(3), 6–13. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJRCS/article/view/3591

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