Possibilities of Attracting Investment Flow in the Development of Aspects of Cultural Tourism in Uzbekistan


  • Tohirov Dilyor Master student of BukhSU, Department of tourism and hotel management,Uzbekstan


investment, foreign capital, tourism and hotel business, tourist cluster, tourism potential


The article considers the main problems and prospects for the investment development of the tourism industry in the Bukhara region. The main trends in the development of investment activities in the field of tourism in Uzbekistan are also described. As well as the tourism potential of the cities of the republic and the use of investments.




How to Cite

Dilyor, T. (2023). Possibilities of Attracting Investment Flow in the Development of Aspects of Cultural Tourism in Uzbekistan. Intersections of Faith and Culture: American Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (2993-2599), 1(2), 1–7. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJRCS/article/view/242