The Evolution of Graphical Interfaces for Programming TRACE MODE 6 Algorithms


  • Abduraximov Ozodbek Azimjon o‘g‘li Muhammad Al-Xorazmiy nomidagi TATU Farg‘ona filiali talabasi
  • Tojidinov Azizbek Ilhomjon o‘g‘li Muhammad Al-Xorazmiy nomidagi TATU Farg‘ona filiali talabasi
  • Nazirjonov Ubaydulloh Nozimjon o'g'li Muhammad Al-Xorazmiy nomidagi TATU Farg‘ona filiali talabasi


This article delves into the transformative journey of TRACE MODE 6, a renowned industrial automation software, as it transitioned from text-based coding to advanced graphical programming interfaces. The evolution of graphical interfaces in TRACE MODE 6 revolutionized the automation and control system industry, making control system development accessible to a broader audience.




How to Cite

o‘g‘li, A. O. A., o‘g‘li, T. A. I., & o’g’li, N. U. N. (2023). The Evolution of Graphical Interfaces for Programming TRACE MODE 6 Algorithms. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(6), 72–74. Retrieved from