The Effect of Anemia with Iron Tanks on the Fetal Female Body


  • Sodiqova Shoira Amriddinovna Assistant, Department of therapeutic Dentistry of Samarkand State Medical University
  • Eshonqulov Mirvoxid Department of therapeutic Dentistry of Samarkand State Medical University, Student of group 516
  • Yo’ldoshev Navruz Department of therapeutic Dentistry of Samarkand State Medical University, Student of group 516
  • Xamroqulova Nasiba Department of therapeutic Dentistry of Samarkand State Medical University, Student of group 516


Many health features of a pregnant woman have an impact on the condition of the fetus and subsequently the newborn. Iron deficiency anemia is the most frequently detected pathology during pregnancy, which not only worsens a woman's quality of life, but can also negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Due to iron deficiency, adverse pregnancy outcomes have been described in the literature, a number of which have been reliably confirmed. Timely detection and effective therapy of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women can prevent the development of complications and thereby improve pregnancy outcomes.




How to Cite

Sodiqova Shoira Amriddinovna, Eshonqulov Mirvoxid, Yo’ldoshev Navruz, & Xamroqulova Nasiba. (2024). The Effect of Anemia with Iron Tanks on the Fetal Female Body. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(5), 159–162. Retrieved from