The Importance of Production Dust in the Etiology of Lung Diseases


  • Nosirova Dildora Erkinovna


Production dust, respiratory organs, occupational diseases, COPD.


The thirst for production from harmful occupational factors is in many cases
the etiology of COPD. The article examined the issues of timely diagnosis, relevance of the
issues of treatment and Prevention and the importance of linking the disease to a professionally
harmful factor. Workers who work under the influence of a harmful professional factor are more
notable due to the increasing problem of labor intensity, quality, environmental pollution,
occupational diseases. Our controlled patients have been treated with a diagnosis of COPD. We
aim to approach the disease from the point of view of occupational diseases and study the issues
of importance in treating the disease, preventing its complications. Patients were treated in the
city hospital. When we studied their disease histories, we came to the idea that a deeper study of
the etiology of the disease was necessary. Because COPD etiology WHO statistics show that
80% of oosok-related deaths occur in low-and moderate-income countries per capita. Thus, the
occurrence of this disease is partly directly related to the lifestyle and conditions of a person, the
environmental well-being around him and the possibility of early diagnosis of the disease.
Diseases of the pulmonary-bronchial system in most cases, it may be enough to relieve the
patient's condition and restore strength, improve his quality of life, eliminate the source of the
disease to the goal.




How to Cite

Erkinovna, N. D. (2024). The Importance of Production Dust in the Etiology of Lung Diseases . American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(4), 253–258. Retrieved from