Improving the Strategy and Tactics of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Precancerous Diseases of the Oral Mucosa


  • Zoirov Tulkin Elnazarovich , Rakhmonova Bakhora Kakhorovna , Shonazarov Shaxzod Sayfiddin oʻgʻli , Xamrayeva Nigina Absalomovna , Xolboyev Sherali Botir oʻgʻli


Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis, Abrasive cheilitis Manganotti, Verrucous leukoplakia


The incidence of cancer in the oral cavity is growing rapidly every year, and the
percentage of undiagnosed and advanced onco-dental diseases has already reached 60%. Before
the appearance of precancerous diseases and malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity, it is caused
by non-observance of a set of sanitary and hygiene measures, which is the abandonment of bad
household habits, proper nutrition, oral cancer includes oral hygiene and high-quality sanitation of
the oral cavity. space. The importance of this problem indicates the need to improve diagnostic
and preventive methods, increase the level of "oncological vigilance" of both dentists and patients.
Due to their proximity to vital organs, tumors of the face, jaws, oral cavity and neck are very
dangerous diseases that cause cosmetic disorders and lead to death. They account for 13% of all
other surgical dental diseases. In Russia, 78% of all cases of cancer of the oral cavity and lips are
diagnosed in clinical stages III-IV, the survival rate among such patients does not exceed 5 years.
It is very difficult to detect the tumor process in the early stages. The appearance and development
of tumors is usually not noticed against the background of satisfactory health. Swelling is detected
when the functions of the organ are disturbed. Pain occurs when the size of the tumor increases
significantly, as well as when it is located near any nerve.




How to Cite

Shonazarov Shaxzod Sayfiddin oʻgʻli , Xamrayeva Nigina Absalomovna , Xolboyev Sherali Botir oʻgʻli , Z. T. E. , R. B. K. ,. (2024). Improving the Strategy and Tactics of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Precancerous Diseases of the Oral Mucosa . American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(4), 158–164. Retrieved from