Diagnosis of Odontogenic Sinusitis


  • Rasulova Kibriyo Abdurakhman qizi , Pirimqulov Jumaniyoz Ravshan oʻgʻli


Causes, Pathogenesis, Classification, Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis, Acute sinusitis


Odontogenic sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary
sinus, resulting from the spread of the pathological process from the main source of infection
located in the upper jaw. The main manifestation of the disease is a clear headache, which increases
when the head is bent, purulent or serous nasal discharge, lacrimation and intoxication syndrome.
Diagnosis is based on the collection of anamnestic data, general examination, rhinoscopy, sinus
puncture and radiation imaging methods. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy, washing with
antiseptics, surgical sanitation of the sinus cavity and the main lesion.




How to Cite

Pirimqulov Jumaniyoz Ravshan oʻgʻli , R. K. A. qizi ,. (2024). Diagnosis of Odontogenic Sinusitis. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(4), 152–157. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPMHS/article/view/4323