Shortages and Improvements of Medical Chatbots and Virtual Assistants in Medicine


  • Ablaqulova Parizoda Akbar qizi , Esanboyeva Mushtariy Alijon qizi


Сultural sensitivity, handling of complex cases, multimodal communication, continuous learning, The Internet of Things (IoT), natural language processing (NLP), Ethical Concerns and Liability, Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Sensitivity, artificial intelligence (AI), Chatbots, Healthcare Professionals, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).


The article explores the shortages and improvements of medical chatbots and virtual
assistants in the field of medicine. The shortages of medical chatbots and virtual assistants are
discussed in detail. The article highlights the lack of contextual understanding, ethical concerns
and liability, and limited emotional intelligence as significant challenges. It explains how these
limitations can result in inaccurate or incomplete responses, raise concerns regarding
accountability and patient privacy, and lead to a lack of empathy in patient interactions. The article
further elaborates on additional improvements, including the integration of cultural sensitivity,
handling of complex cases, multimodal communication, continuous learning, integration with IoT
devices, and enhanced privacy and data security. These improvements aim to address the
limitations and enhance the capabilities of medical chatbots and virtual assistants.




How to Cite

Esanboyeva Mushtariy Alijon qizi, A. P. A. qizi ,. (2024). Shortages and Improvements of Medical Chatbots and Virtual Assistants in Medicine. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(3), 4–9. Retrieved from