Characteristics of the Nursing Process in Child Care


  • Navruzova Ugilkhon Orzijon Kizi Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina Assistant of Pathological physiology
  • Otamurodova Gulmira Sunnat Kizi Afshona is a teacher of the Department of Obstetrics and Paramedics of the PUBLIC Health Technology Institute named after Abu Ali Sino
  • Ruziyeva Mehrigul Akram Kizi Afshona is a teacher of the Department of Obstetrics and Paramedics of the PUBLIC Health Technology Institute named after Abu Ali Sino


pediatrics, mental and physical


This article describes the process of nursing work in pediatrics: the method of organizing and providing nursing care to a healthy and sick child, as well as information about the nurse's relationship with the sick child and his parents.




How to Cite

Kizi, N. U. O., Kizi, O. G. S., & Kizi, R. M. A. (2024). Characteristics of the Nursing Process in Child Care. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(2), 509–511. Retrieved from