Criteria for Choosing the Treatment and Diagnosis of Chest Joint Injuries in Pediatric Practice


  • Tilyakov A. B. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Associate professor of the Department of emergency pediatrics, Salvation medicine
  • Tilyakov X. A. Samarkand State Medical University, Faculty of post-diploma education head of the Department of Traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery and ophthalmology, associate professor
  • Temurov A. A. Samarkand State Medical University, Faculty of post –diploma education assitnent of the Department of Traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery and ophthalmology
  • Rustamov J. A. Samarkand State Medical University, Clinical ordinator of the Department of Traumatology –orthopedics, neurosurgery and ophthalmology, Faculty of post-diploma education


chest arlash japroxats, thoracotomy, shock index, bolar surgery


children's surgery center under Samarkand State Medical University in 1996-2022, 63 children were diagnosed with various types of chest injuries and localization. 39 patients with mixed chest injuries. 8 patients received toracotomy , 22 patients received videotorocoscopic operative intervention. The age of patients was 3 – 15. 39 patients who had been treated with mixed chest injuries were put through a retrospective examination. The patients were divided into 4 guruchs under the Algover classification of shock holiness. Surgical access was carried out on the basis of the patient's weight level and the sagging of the Algover shock index, and its treatment by VTS was objectively predicted. The post-thoracic injury survival in Bol was achieved by correlating the level of shock on the Vvtriss scale and injuries in the patient.




How to Cite

B., T. A., A., T. X., A., T. A., & A., R. J. (2024). Criteria for Choosing the Treatment and Diagnosis of Chest Joint Injuries in Pediatric Practice. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(2), 436–439. Retrieved from