Changes in the level of microelements in arterial hypertension


  • Jalilova Umida Djumayevna Buxoro Davlat Tibbiyot institute Ichki kasalliklar kafedrasi assistenti


Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the most common diseases today. In Russia, 30-40% of adults have high blood pressure, and this rate is much higher than in Western countries.[5] Despite some advances in the treatment and prevention of hypertension, this is not enough to end the pandemic [8]. The study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of hypertension, especially in the initial stages, is necessary for the development of pathogenetic-based approaches to the treatment and prevention of the disease.




How to Cite

Jalilova Umida Djumayevna Buxoro. (2023). Changes in the level of microelements in arterial hypertension. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(10), 338–340. Retrieved from