Study of the Structure of Teeth Cells Teeth Histology


  • Boboyorova Hayitoy Uchkunovna A student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Kholbekov Bakhtiyor Baymanovich Assistant of the Department of Medical Biology and Histology of TTMTB


Tooth histology, epithelial plate


Teeth play an important role during human life. They are also involved in cutting food, mechanical grinding, and correct pronunciation of words. Teeth come out twice in a person's life. Teeth develop from 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. Baby teeth come out first, and then they are replaced by permanent teeth. The mechanism of tooth eruption is very complex and has not been fully studied. This article provides information on the study of the structure of tooth cells and the histology of teeth.




How to Cite

Uchkunovna, B. H., & Baymanovich, K. B. (2023). Study of the Structure of Teeth Cells Teeth Histology. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(9), 498–500. Retrieved from