The Importance of Morphological Study of the Thyroid Gland


  • Khaidarova Nargiza Akhtamovna Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Ochilov Kamil Rakhimovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


thyroid gland, method, morphology, follicles, microslide


In an experiment, morphological research is key to substantiate the results of scientific work; photographs represent the best demonstration material, and data from calculations and analysis of quantitative parameters are the evidence base. In the clinic, morphology is the key to substantiating the diagnosis, determining the stage of the disease, treatment tactics, endocrinological and oncological monitoring, and prognosis. The thyroid gland (TG) is an accessible organ for morphological research; a variety of methods have been proposed, among which the researcher can choose a successful combination to solve scientific problems [1-5]. This article analyzes the importance of morphological examination of the thyroid gland.




How to Cite

Khaidarova Nargiza Akhtamovna, & Ochilov Kamil Rakhimovich. (2023). The Importance of Morphological Study of the Thyroid Gland. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(9), 457–463. Retrieved from