Features of the Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Bronchial Asthma Combined with Arterial Hypertension


  • Nurilloeva Shakhodat Nurillo kizi Bukhara state medical institute


bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, obesity, comorbidity


AH in the examined BA patients is an independent disease of EAH, the severity of its course is determined by the stage of the disease, the degree of BP increase and risk factors. EAH and BA have a mutually aggravating effect. Hereditary predisposition is recognized as an important risk factor for hypertension. In the group of patients with concomitant pathology, heredity for BA is burdened in 28,76%, for EAH in 64.38% of cases. In the control groups of patients, heredity was burdened in 47,82% of cases for AH and in 30,43% of cases for BA. Being overweight is a risk factor for hypertension. In patients with concomitant pathology, overweight is found much more often (76.69%) than in the group of patients with hypertension (43,47%) and BA (30,43%).




How to Cite

Nurilloeva Shakhodat Nurillo kizi. (2023). Features of the Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Bronchial Asthma Combined with Arterial Hypertension. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(9), 420–425. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPMHS/article/view/1630