Histological Findings in Endoscopically Detected Gastritis


  • Navruzova Ugilkhon Orzijon Kizi Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino Assistant of Pathological physiology
  • Saidov Jumamurod Zaynievich Afshona Abu Ali Ibn Sino Technical College of Public Health, Deputy Director of Vocational Training
  • Narzullaeva Mekhriniso Zayniddinovna Afshona Abu Ali Bin Sino Technical College of Public Health, Head of the Department of Nursing


Gastritis, endoscopically


Unfortunately, the term "gastritis" has been incorrectly used to refer to various diseases of the upper abdominal cavity, but true gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining (stomach lining). All or part of the gastric mucosa may be involved.Gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucosa is one of the most common human diseases. According to statistics, about 80-90% of people have experienced an episode of the disease at least once in their lives. In old age, 70-90% of people suffer from various forms of gastritis. The chronic form of gastritis can develop into peptic ulcers, stomach cancer . Gastritis can be acute and chronic. Acute gastritis can be characterized as erosive (injured areas where cells of the mucous membrane are destroyed or lost) and unpleasant. Chronic gastritis is characterized by histopathology (appearance of the gastric mucosa) with long-lasting symptoms . Although many proposals have been made, there is no generally accepted classification system. This information is focused on true gastritis.




How to Cite

Navruzova Ugilkhon Orzijon Kizi, Saidov Jumamurod Zaynievich, & Narzullaeva Mekhriniso Zayniddinovna. (2023). Histological Findings in Endoscopically Detected Gastritis. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 1(9), 306–309. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPMHS/article/view/1596