Grid Analysis and Design


  • Tojidinov Azizbek Ilhomjon o‘g‘li Muhammad Al- Khorazmi TATU in the name of Fargana branch student
  • Nazirjonov Ubaydulloh Nozimjon o'g'li Muhammad Al- Khorazmi TATU in the name of Fargana branch student
  • Abduraximov Ozodbek Azimjon o‘g‘li Muhammad Al- Khorazmi TATU in the name of Fargana branch student


Grid analysis is an important part of statistical analysis, information technology and data measurement. This includes how the data set is ordered using spaces and rows (columns), analysis methods such as distributions, indices, ordinal calculations, and more. Grid analysis allows you to gain greater understanding, tracking, masking and other skills in data. Designing is critical for critical time, financial resources, and robust projects. This includes defining departments and their interactions for project implementation, timing each task, deciding on work to be performed and services to be provided to clients, and reporting success on work. and helps organize all stages of the project. It serves as an effective method for designing, organizing and managing projects.




How to Cite

Ilhomjon o‘g‘li, T. A., Nozimjon o’g’li, N. U., & Azimjon o‘g‘li, A. O. (2023). Grid Analysis and Design. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(6), 25–27. Retrieved from

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