Future Mechanical Instruction Instructors Proficient Abilities and Abilities Arrangement Extend


  • Hamdamova Venera Anvarovna Department of technological education teacher, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute


professional, innovative instruction, specialized inventiveness, inspiration


the advancement of social thought, viable encounter, worldview and considering of future instructors of innovative instruction, the advancement of proficient competence, the rationale of how much their state of mind towards their calling is generally due to the reality that their proficient aptitudes and capabilities are adequately shaped within the instructive prepare. This requires future instructors of mechanical instruction to be learned in their calling, dynamic participants in socio-political life within the development of a gracious society based on solid socio-economic, spiritual-educational and lawful vote based system. The article depicts the examination of the existing proficient exercises of future instructors of innovative instruction and their levels of down to earth preparing.




How to Cite

Anvarovna, H. V. (2024). Future Mechanical Instruction Instructors Proficient Abilities and Abilities Arrangement Extend. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 2(3), 251–256. Retrieved from https://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPDIS/article/view/3820