Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation (2993-2777) <p><a href=""><strong>Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation (2993-2777) </strong></a>- a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of innovative science-related disciplines. The objective of this journal is to provide a veritable platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss a variety of innovative ideas and developments in all aspects of library and Information Science. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance. The Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation<strong> </strong>is published monthly one volume per year. All articles published in AJLISI are peer-reviewed.</p> en-US (Editor in Chief) (Managing Editor) Thu, 04 Jul 2024 03:22:55 -0400 OJS 60 Investigating the Factors Influencing the Use of School Libraries and the Purpose Strategies to Enhance Their Effectiveness as Information Hubs among Secondary Students in Katsina Local Government, Katsina State <p>The purpose of this study is to explore the provision of information resources for enhancing the utilization and user satisfaction of school libraries among secondary school students in Katsina state. School libraries play a crucial role in supporting students’ educational and personal development by providing access to a wide range of information resources. However, there is a growing concern about the lack of utilization and user satisfaction. This research was carried to investigate the factors influencing the use of school libraries. The study employ a quantitative methods approach, to gather data from secondary school students. The quantitative method will involve administering surveys to representative sample of secondary school students to assess their awareness, attribute, and frequency of library use. Additionally, data will be collected on the availability and adequacy of information resources, including books, digital materials, and other references materials. The population of the study comprises of eight hundred students from eight secondary schools in Katsina Local government Area, one hundred questionnaires were administer and eighty were returned for data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the kind of information resources available in secondary school of Katsina Local Government Area are textbooks, information resources are highly being utilized in secondary school of Katsina Local Government Area, The format of information resources available in secondary school of Katsina Local Government Area are mainly print materials, the extent to which teachers and students satisfied with available library resources in secondary school of Katsina Local Government Area are highly satisfied, the challenges facing the information resources available in secondary school of Katsina Local Government Area is inadequate funding and the ways in which the challenges are tackled is through provision of adequate funding. And the study recommend that government, private organizations and philanthropic should invest in school libraries. There should be provision of adequate budgetary allocation to school libraries to enhance effective library and information services among others.</p> Rachel Agbo, Emmanuel Enegadhe, Abbas Abdulrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Perceived Influnence of Principals’ Admininstrative Strategies on School Plant Maintenance in Secondary Schools in Taraba State Nigeria <p>This study was conducted to determine the influence of Principals’ administrative strategies on school plant maintenance in secondary schools in Taraba State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four objectives and four research questions were answered, while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey research design was used and the population of the study was 618 Principals and vice principals from all the 309 public secondary schools in the Taraba State. The study was a census survey of the entire population hence there was no sampling. A 41-items self- structured questionnaire titled “Influence of Principals’ Administrative Strategies on School Plant Maintenance Questionnaire “IPASSPMQ” was used to collect data from the respondents. Five Experts made up of three experts from Educational Administration and Planning; two experts in and Measurement and Evaluation in the Department of Educational Foundations and General Studies, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi ensured the face and content validity of the instrument. The IPASSPMQ was trial tested on respondents in five secondary schools in Benue state and the reliability of the instrument was also established using Cronbach Alpha formula which yielded an index of 0.83. The data collected were analysed using Frequency count, Mean and Standard Deviation to answer research questions while hypotheses were tested using Chi-square goodness of -fit- statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that all the principals’ administrative strategies of planning, organizing, staffing and coordinating has significant positive influence on school plant maintenance in secondary schools in Taraba state. It was recommended amongst others that Principals and Vice principals of secondary schools in Taraba state should provide active and efficient coordination of all their school plant activities with the aim of aim of sustaining the smooth operation of the school plant.</p> Dr. Adi Daniel Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0400