Application of Hammering in Downhole Charges to Improve the Quality of Rock Crushing by Explosion


  • Sherali Raufovich Urinov Doctor of Technical Sciences, DSc, Professor of the National University of Science and Technology "MISiS" in Almalyk
  • Behzod Batirovich Askarov Assistant of the National University of Science and Technology "MISiS" in Almalyk
  • Aziz Ahrorugli Rizokulov Student of the group 2-22 OM NUST MISiS in Almalyk
  • Madina Sheralikizi Mukhtorova Student of group 19-02 ATMDT of the National University of Uzbekistan


stemming, borehole, charge, quality, crushing, rocks


The article presents the results of research on the effect of stemming material on the quality of stemming, and its correct choice is of great practical importance.




How to Cite

Urinov, S. R., Askarov, B. B., Rizokulov, A. A., & Mukhtorova, M. S. (2023). Application of Hammering in Downhole Charges to Improve the Quality of Rock Crushing by Explosion. American Journal of Engineering , Mechanics and Architecture (2993-2637), 1(3), 13–17. Retrieved from