American Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development (2993-2750) <h3>Journal Description: American Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development (ISSN: 2993-2750)</h3> <p>The <strong>American Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development (AJSIHD)</strong> is a prestigious double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published twelve times a year, at the end of each month. The primary aim of AJSIHD is to provide a robust platform for academicians and researchers to advance scholarship and disseminate scientific knowledge in key areas including cognitive sciences, human development, human resource development, and counseling. These areas are fundamental to the human development plans of various development programs.</p> <h4>Key Focus Areas:</h4> <ol> <li><strong>Cognitive Sciences</strong>: Exploration of mental processes, brain functions, and neuropsychological studies.</li> <li><strong>Human Development</strong>: Research on psychological and social growth, developmental stages, and life-span development.</li> <li><strong>Human Resource Development</strong>: Insights into employee training, performance enhancement, and organizational development.</li> <li><strong>Counseling</strong>: Examination of counseling techniques, therapeutic practices, and mental health strategies.</li> </ol> <h4>Types of Contributions:</h4> <p>AJSIHD encourages a diverse range of submissions, including:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Research Articles</strong>: Comprehensive studies that are either conceptual or empirical.</li> <li><strong>Case Studies</strong>: In-depth analyses of specific instances or phenomena within the journal's scope.</li> <li><strong>Practitioner Perspectives</strong>: Practical insights and applications from professionals working in relevant fields.</li> <li><strong>Book Reviews</strong>: Critical evaluations of recent publications related to cognitive sciences, human development, and counseling.</li> </ul> <h4>Academia-Industry Forum:</h4> <p>A distinctive feature of AJSIHD is the <strong>Academia-Industry Forum</strong>. This forum provides a dedicated space for collaborative research between academic faculty and industry professionals, including CEOs, managers, and employees from both public and private sector organizations. This section emphasizes practical insights and real-world applications over theoretical perspectives, aiming to uncover lesser-known managerial and organizational practices. The Academia-Industry Forum represents a proactive effort to foster mutually beneficial collaboration between universities and industry, enriching both academic research and practical applications.</p> <h4>Commitment to Diverse Scholarly Discourses:</h4> <p>AJSIHD is committed to respecting and promoting scholarly discourses across a variety of ontological, epistemological, and methodological traditions. This commitment ensures a rich and diverse academic environment that welcomes multiple paradigms of social research.</p> <p>By publishing high-quality research and facilitating meaningful academic-industry collaborations, the American Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development strives to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and the practical application of research findings in cognitive sciences, human development, human resource development, and counseling.</p> en-US (Editor in Chief) (Managing Editor) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 21:24:09 -0400 OJS 60 Study of Heart Physiology <p><em>This article provides an overview of the circulatory system, major and minor circuits. The history of the blood circulation system es and beats. The characteristics of the heart muscles are written</em></p> Babaeva Shakhlo Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 AGRO AND ECOTOURISM IN SAMARKAND <p>The article discusses the main problems of agro ecotourism development, ways and directions of their solution, various models of agro ecotourism development are proposed.</p> SATTAROVA ZUKHRA ILKHAMOVNA, MIRZAEVA SHIRIN NODIROVNA, TULANOVA MALIKA Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 INNOVATIONS IN CULTURAL TOURISM <p>In the article about the trend of development of cultural tourism in the Samarkand region. The results of a questionnaire survey of foreign tourists are given. Numerous measures are being taken to develop cultural tourism in the Samarkand region.</p> SATTAROVA ZUKHRA ILKHAMOVNA, MIRZAEVA SHIRIN NODIROVNA, XUSHVAKOVA MUKHLISA Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Optimizing the Recipe of Food. Improving the System of Healthy Eating <p>This article discusses the issue of saving raw materials and products by optimizing recipes used in catering establishments. The article also presents ways to optimize protein-rich foods in food recipes, which develop methods for determining the quality indicators of non-exchangeable amino acids in complete proteins in comparison with the ideal protein and processing existing formulations based on it.</p> Izzatullo Xikmatilloevich Shukurov, Uktam Abdugani Oghli Abdurayimov Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Improving the Methodological Skills of Mathematics Teachers <p>This article presents methods, technologies and some types of games that serve to improve the methodological skills of future teachers of mathematics. The mechanisms of implementation have given by references and results. Conclusions have given on the expected results.</p> Tukxtasinov Dadakhon, Tukhtasinova Nafisa Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The convergence of random quantities with the Distribution of Puasson in the Gilbert phase <p>The distribution of the normal sum the Gilbert phase is described to be explored to a normal distribution of normal distribution</p> Kukieva Sayora Sayidakbarovna, Tukhtasinova Nafisa Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Evaluation of Regional Achievement Scholarship Policy in South Bolaang Mongondow District <p>The research was conducted in June 2023 inSouth Bolaang Mongondow.Evaluation is not just an ordinary assessment, but is a systematic process that uses social research procedures to examine various aspects of social intervention programs. Starting from the concept and design of the program, evaluation research examines the feasibility and potential of the program to achieve its goals. Then, this research monitors the implementation of the program in the field, ensuring its suitability to the design and identifying obstacles that may arise. In the final stage, evaluation research assesses the overall program unity, measuring its effectiveness in achieving targets and its impact on society. In short, evaluation research provides a holistic picture of a social intervention program, helping stakeholders to make informed decisions in future program development and implementation.The achievement scholarship policy in South Bolaang Mongondow Regency has been proven to work efficiently and effectively. The scholarship recipient selection process is carried out transparently and fairly, ensuring that students who excel and meet the criteria get the same opportunity to receive a scholarship. In addition, the distribution of scholarship funds is carried out on time and on target before the end of the year, ensuring that recipient students can use these funds for educational costs and other needs optimally.</p> Rilistian Lalu, Zuchri Abdussamad, Muchtar R. Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Social Ethics and Social Culture in the Era of Globalization <p>In the development of philosophical thought, issues of morality and culture have become important. This is due to the fact that every fanday is determined by the increased need to study the philosophical drink of the moral and aesthetic relationship of man with Nature, Society, which forms the basis of philosophical doctrine. After all, philosophical thinking cannot be carried out without a human factor, as one could not imagine in a separate way from a person, the development of morality and elegance.</p> <p>This article explores philosophically aspects of social ethics and the interdependence of social culture in the era of globalization.</p> Gulnoza Karimova Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Role of Green Economy in the Sustainable Development of Tourism <p>The influence of the green economy in the development of the tourism industry and. negative and positive effects of tourism development on ecology and atmosphere are considered in detail in this article. The principles of the green economy and its aspects related to the tourism industry are widely studied, and the aspects of the development of the tourism industry and its impact on the environment are analyzed.</p> Uralova Dilbar Anorbayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Virtual Physics Laboratories <p>This context is devoted to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual laboratories in the process of learning physics. The work defines the virtual laboratory and reveals its role in modern physics education. The main advantages of virtual laboratories, such as security, flexibility, visibility and cost-effectiveness, are analyzed in detail. At the same time, the limitations of virtual laboratories are also considered - lack of tactile sensations, limitations of physical modeling and dependence on technology. Also, in the context, promising directions for the development of virtual physics laboratories, including their integration with real equipment and the use of virtual reality technologies, are shown. In conclusion, it can be said that the need for optimal coordination of virtual and real laboratory work in the educational process is based.</p> Atashov I. A. Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Analysis of Functional Connections of Components of Mechanical Components Affecting the Process of Current Collection of the Temp of Main Locomotives <p>This article provides an analysis of the functional connections of the parts of the wheeled motor unit that influence the process of current collection of locomotive traction motors.</p> Sherali I. Mamayev, Oleg S. Ablyalimov, Anna N. Avdeyeva, Dilnoza I. Nigmatova, Toshtemirov Sh. Kh Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Strategy for Improving Public Service Performance in the Kotamobagu Resort Police <p>The focus of this research is 1) The strategy for improving public service performance at the Kotamobagu Police Department is studied from the core strategy, consequence strategy, customer strategy, supervision strategy, and cultural strategy; 2)Factors that determine successful implementationThe strategy to improve public service performance at the Kotamobagu Police Department is studied from tangible resources and intangible resources. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. TechniqueData analysis in this research was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verificationThe research results show that 1) Efforts to improve public service performance at the Kotamobagu Police are carried out through a comprehensive and sustainable strategy through core strategy, consequence strategy, customer strategy, supervision strategy and cultural strategy. However, the implementation of the core strategy has not been optimal because the performance of public services at the Kotamobagu Police Department has not met the target; 2) Tangible resources and intangible resourcesare factors that support successful implementationstrategy to improve the performance of public services at the Kotamobagu Police Department, so that the work can be completed well.</p> Sahir Budimantoyo, Sastro M. Wantu, Yanti Aneta Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Proverbal National-Cultural Features <p>In this article, it is considered that folklore is an art that has been collected by a certain nation over the centuries, embodies the national characteristics of that nation, and whose origins go back to ancient times. It is emphasized that each of its types reflects the feelings, character, dreams, customs and traditions of the creators, as well as from the living climate to the nature. Information is provided about proverbs, one of the folk oral genres that have such characteristics. National-cultural features specific to proverbs in the translation of proverbs are also highlighted.</p> Abdullayeva Zarina Shukhrat kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL ADEQUACY IN ASSESSING INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS <p>In the world, many methods and methods are used to assess the investment attractiveness of commercial banks. The most widely used method is the CAMELS method or rating system. In this article, we will analyze the investment attractiveness of several banks in our country through capital adequacy, which is a component of the CAMELS method, and study the role of capital adequacy in increasing investment attractiveness.</p> Urokboyeva Farzuna Akhmadjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Non-Madhhabs: Understanding Potential Ramifications <p>The author of this article underscores the pivotal role of Islamic schools of law in safeguarding the unity and diversity within the Muslim community. The emergence of non-madhhabism among constituents of Central Asian governments necessitates a comprehensive elucidation of this disruptive concept, concurrently elucidating the authentic essence and invaluable significance of madhhabs. Through the utilization of historical evidence, the author endeavors to substantiate her perspectives on this subject matter.</p> Nigora Khakimova Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Marriage and Family Relations in Sogdian Society <p>The article examines the issue of marriage relations in early medieval Sogd based on the analysis of two digital documents from the archives of Mount Mug (Nov 3 and Nov 4). The author examines the historical, religious and social foundations of marriage in ancient Zoroastrian society and analyses the content of documents with an emphasis on family and marital relations.</p> Namazova Umida Normurodovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Monitoring Water Quality Wirelessly While Preserving Water <p>Among all of Earth's resources, water is paramount. Water quality has declined to an extremely low level in the past fifty years, according to surveys. In addition to being a drink, it has other practical uses in the kitchen and the bathroom, and we rely on it in many ways. This is why its preservation and prudent management are of the utmost importance. Keeping track of how much water we consume is obviously important. We want to address these issues by implementing a pH-sensor water quality monitoring system. This system will allow us to more accurately analyse the water and keep tabs on it. Using the pH sensor to measure the water's turbidity and pH value allows one to determine the water's quality. The digital flow metre allows us to track the water usage at each apartment's inlets, and the system's live web page allows us to generate accurate bills for each unit, analyse the data graphically, and prevent water leakage by detecting open taps and providing an alarm if there is no flow. Data can also be wirelessly monitored. When the payment is not paid, we may also set it up to automatically cut off the water connection. So, we will be able to save water more efficiently thanks to this effort.</p> B. Vaidianathan Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Historical and Demographic Analysis of Population Census Procedures in Uzbekistan <p>The study of demographic processes in Uzbekistan heavily relies on data obtained from national population censuses. This article examines the significance of population censuses in New Uzbekistan, detailing their purpose, historical context, and current methodologies using the scientific principles of historical demography. The census is regarded as a national event in Uzbekistan, with public participation deemed essential for upholding democratic values</p> Yusupov Rakhimjon Karimovich Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Visual Arts Activities as a Means of Developing Children's Creative Abilities <p>The article deals with visualization activity as a means of developing creative abilities in primary school children. It is shown that through drawing, modeling, applique and other types of creative work children can express their thoughts, feelings and imagination. It is also noted, conducting visualization activities also helps in developing self-esteem, self-confidence and communication skills in children.</p> Qurbanova Makhzuna, Sobirova Sharofat Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 An Android-based Smart Bus Pass application <p>The current manual process of registering and renewing bus passes is problematic for passengers, but a real-time effort called PTC Registration and Renewal will help. In addition to extending the validity duration, it sends passengers regular SMS warnings before their validity period expires. Payment for registration or renewal can be made online using a credit card. Members of the administrative team can also log in to the app and use it to communicate with passengers in a certain way. Rather than waiting in line at counters for hours, riders may simply renew their bus cards online using this convenient application. At the outset, travellers need to sign up for the app by providing their name, address, phone number, and any other necessary information. Passengers are required to enter a mobile number and passcode in order to log in after their details have been verified. The next step is for riders to choose their route and purchase their bus ticket. Credit cards and other wire transfer options are also available for renewal. Traveling passengers can pay via a QR code that is displayed next to the bus driver. The smartphone app is the sole means of implementing this system.</p> R. Sivakani, M. Gandhi, S. Manikandan, B. Vaidianathan Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF TECHNICAL-TACTICAL TRAINING FOR GOALKEEPERS AGED 15-16 YEARS <p>A significant focus is dedicated to the methodologies and strategies employed in the pedagogical framework for the technical-tactical training of goalkeepers aged 15-16 years. The efficacy of the training regimen is intrinsically linked to the judicious application of sports training techniques and instruments. Numerous expert studies highlight a paucity of scientifically substantiated data concerning the utilization of exercises tailored for the technical and tactical development of goalkeepers within this age bracket, particularly when considering meticulously regulated training loads.</p> A. A. Kadirov, S. A. Ibragimov Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Current Issues in the Formation of Spiritually Harmonious Youth <p>The article examines the need to educate a spiritually and harmoniously developed young generation as part of the renewal and reform of Uzbekistan. The author emphasizes the importance of the spiritual and moral education of young people, as well as updating and reforming the education system.</p> Kuldoshev Asliddin, Bakirov Feruz Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Fundamentals of Computer Law <p>Computers have changed the world in unprecedented ways. They make it easier to do lawful things, and they make it easier to break the law. Computer law is the body of law that deals with electronic data. It touches over several broad areas, ranging from security, privacy, tort law, and even the US Constitution. Different laws touch on electronic media at both the state and national levels. Since computer technology keeps changing and evolving, computer attorneys are at the forefront of a rapidly changing world. This paper provides a brief introduction to computer law.</p> Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Uwakwe C. Chukwu, Janet O. Sadiku Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Fundamentals of Healthcare Law <p>The healthcare industry is one of the largest and most heavily regulated industries in the United States. The healthcare law comprises of many different areas of the law. It combines administrative and regulatory law, health law, contract and tort law, employment law, and judicial precedent. The law regulates access to care, privacy, and patient rights. It also dictates who can receive healthcare services and who should pay for these services. Since healthcare law is a broad area, healthcare lawyers often work in various niche areas. This paper provides an introduction to healthcare law.</p> Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Uwakwe C. Chukwu, Janet O. Sadiku Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Estimating the Climate Water Budget and Water Consumption of the Wheat Crop in Salah Al-Din Governorate for the Period 1990-2022 <p>This study utilizes Community Water Model - CWatM to calculate reference evapotranspiration and estimate the climate water budget using field data and remote sensing data obtained from three different stations in For Salah ad-Din Governorate in Iraq. The evapotranspiration calculation in CWatM is based on the FAO method, which necessitates input data that obtained from climate stations as well as the utilization of satellite images and remote sensing technology. The results showed obvious a pronounced deficit at Tikrit and Touz stations during the wheat growing season as well as high water consumption. Conversely, the Baiji station showed a water surplus during winter season across all years except for 1994, which exhibited a water deficit. During the spring season, Baiji station consistently records a water deficit.</p> <p>Furthermore, there is a noticeable decrease in water consumption during the wheat growing season at Baiji compared to Tikrit and Touz stations, indicating a shift of suitable regions for wheat cultivation towards the north of the study area. The Evapotranspiration record showed a general trend towards decrease, with February being the highest for consecutive negative changes for all three stations.</p> <p>As for water consumption, a general trend towards decrease was recorded during most of the growth season months, including February for both Baiji and Tuz stations, respectively. However, Tikrit station recorded the lowest directional coefficient in January. Regarding positive changes, both evaporation/production and water consumption showed a trend towards increase due to rising temperatures during April for all three stations consecutively. Meanwhile, the CWB recorded May as having the highest positive change across all study stations.</p> Ghufran Jafar Ismail, Youssef Mohammed Al-Hathal Copyright (c) 2024 American Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development (2993-2750) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Challenges and Solutions in Teaching Translation of Phraseological Units <p>The main purpose of this article is to consider the study of general information about phraseological units around the world in a long-term process. As well as, it indicates various essential opinions about translation with different resources and it remind the most important challenges which could be appeared in translating phraseological units in different languages. Also in this research work were given several effective ways and useful methods of teaching phraseological unit’s translation below.</p> Bafoyeva Nilufar Salimovna Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Amir Temur’s First Campaign to Khurasan <p>The article examines the first campaign of Amir Temur to Khurasan based on the analysis of historical sources and scientific literature.</p> Abdullaev Elbek Abdukahhor ugli Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 MASTER-DISCIPLE TRADITIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION <p>This article provides information about the importance of the teacher-student tradition in the development of the teaching profession. In particular, information is presented on national education, teacher-student traditions, the greatest duty of a teacher, teacher-student relationships, as well as the teacher-student traditions of Alisher Navai, Kamaluddin Hussein Waiz al-Koshifi and Abu Nasr Farabi.</p> Sarsenbaeva Raikhon Makhanbetovna Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Didactic Principles of Belt Wrestling Training <p>The coach helps the wrestler about implementing the principles expressing the basic patterns of the organization of the pedagogical process, quickly and effectively acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. All the principles are interrelated and complement each other. If one principle is ignored, none of the others can be fully implemented. Only by applying them together, you can achieve high results in training wrestlers with belts.</p> Khakimov Shoyadbek Talibovich Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Technical Guidelines for Oil and Gas Well Drilling Accident Prevention <p>This article provides basic information about the causes of accidents that can occur during oil and gas drilling and accident recovery. Also, information was given on modern technical methods of emergency situations in wells that are being drilled to date and the impact of emergency situations on drilling efficiency. Also, new stages of extraction and processing of oil and gas fields are being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently, oil and gas wells are being vaporized by the "Eriell" well drilling enterprise in the West Aral district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.</p> Joldasbaeva Aysulu Baxitbay qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Justification of the Efficiency of 3vl80s Electric Locomotives on the Markand – Navoi Section of the Uzbek Railway <p>The results of substantiating the parameters of the transportation operation of three-section mainline (train) freight electric locomotives 3VL80S on a real hilly-mountainous section of the railway when moving freight trains with stops at intermediate separate points, as well as assessing the traction quality of the track profile of the hauls of this section are presented. The criterion for the mentioned assessment is the given values of the total and specific consumption of electrical energy for traction of trains in quantitative and monetary terms, taking into account the values of the reduced running time of the train in traction mode and the specific consumption of electrical energy per trip that accompany the transportation process. The research results were obtained using methods and techniques of the theory of locomotive traction, taking into account the average values of the main indicators of traction and energy efficiency of using the studied 3VL80S electric locomotives in the form of tabular data and graphical dependencies, as well as practical conclusions and recommendations.</p> Oleg S. Ablyalimov, Sherali I. Mamayev, Anna N. Avdeyeva, Dilnoza I. Nigmatova Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Establishment of the Power of Emir Khudoidad Hosseini in the Ferghana Valley <p>This article analyzes the military-political activities of Amir Khudoidad Hosseini, who gained power in the Ferghana Valley during the internecine wars that began after the death of Amir Temur, based on historical sources and scientific literature. The factors that led to his gaining power in the Ferghana Valley and strengthening his rule in this region are indicated. Comments were made on the influence of Amir Khudoidad Hosseini’s activities on the political life of Movarounnahr.</p> Usmanov Bahriddin Akhmedovich Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Customs System in the History of Uzbekistan: From Origins to the Colonial Period <p>The article explores the history of the development of the customs system in Uzbekistan from ancient times to the colonial period. The article examines the role of the customs system in the development of trade, ensuring the security and well-being of the people. Particular attention is paid to the influence of colonial oppression on the customs system of the khanates of Central Asia.</p> Ernazarov Tuyg’un Rajabovich Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Organizational Transformation Strategies in Implementing Restorative Justice Policies (Case Study at the Gorontalo Police Narcotics Research Directorate) <p>Based on the results of the research study, the purpose of this study is toexplore aspects of processes, all system levels (individual, group, and organizational), knowledge, expertise, and satisfaction in applying restorative justice. This research argues that the process, all system levels, knowledge, expertise, and satisfaction can optimally achieve the goal of restorative justice in the Gorontalo Regional Police.This research uses qualitative methods through observation, interviews, documentation and data analysis. The results show that 1) Aspects of the socialization and supervision process have been carried out, but there are still challenges in the form of lack of understanding from the community and anti -drug Non-governmental organizations and personnel adaptation to new procedures in the application of restorative justice; 2) Individual, Group, and Organizational aspects where transformation towards restorative justice requires collaboration and commitment from various elements of the organization, close supervision, training, and inter-departmental coordination. The challenges faced include a change in mindset and community complaints related to the application of this concept; 3) The knowledge aspect of National Police personnel requires a deep understanding of the concept of restorative justice by providing special assistance in the context of drug handling; 4) Aspects of expertise demonstrate that the implementation of restorative justice faces challenges such as limited resources, resistance to change, and the need for a more sustainable evaluation system; and 5) Stakeholder Satisfaction where the application of a restorative justice approach and collaboration between Kabidkum, Head of Wasidik, Ditresobat, members of Research, and BNN Gorontalo Province is a concrete step to achieving stakeholder satisfaction in achieving common goals.</p> Irwansyah M. Dali, Yanti Aneta, Rustam Tohopi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Preschool education system of Uzbekistan <p>In this article, knowledge about the preschool education system of Uzbekistan, new approaches in this field, decisions and decrees related to the field, information and reforms related to preschool education pedagogy are highlighted.</p> Gafurov Hamidullo Hashimovich Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Globalization Processes and Its Impact on Uzbeki Culture <p>In this article, the place and role of the processes of globalization in the development of humanity as a person and in the life of society, the philosophical factors of the process of globalization, its impact and significance on culture are highlighted.</p> Turdiyev Ma’mur Rustamovich Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Historical Roots of Social Work: From Ethnogenesis to Modern Trends <p>This article examines the emergence and development of social service as a social institution. Its connection with ethnogenetic problems, the actualization of individual potential and the role of social philosophy in the formation of the methodology and functions of social services is noted. The abstract also highlights the manifestation of social service in different cultures (Islamic, Christian) and its evolution from charity to commercial activity.</p> Isokjon Negmatov Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Natural Language Processing for Text in Python <p>This article covers the basic principles of natural language processing (NLP) technologies and how they can be used in the Python programming language. Processes such as tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization are consistently described. Accordingly, methods of text tokenization using spaCy library tools and using lemma, POS, tag, stop attributes created through the pipeline process are provided.</p> Karshiyev Abduvali Berkinovich, Mamaraimov Mirjalol Shakarboyivich Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Stages of Spread of Islam in Japan <p>The article is dedicated to describe the history of Islam in Japan and cultural relations between the Japanese and Muslim peoples. The information of the article which is used to on this topic is represented on the basis of the medieval Muslim sources, Yuan dynasty’s military reports, Ming dynasty’s chronologies, Portuguese sources and contemporary Japanese literatures.</p> Odiljon Ernazarov Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 The Main Objects of Linguistics – Language and Speech <p>This article discusses the main questions that linguistics should answer, the meaning of language, the relationship between speech and thinking. The ability to produce speech depends on the level of thinking. The higher the level of thinking and artistic speech, the more successful and effective communication tasks will be solved. The mental activity of people with a low level of speech proficiency leaves much to be desired.</p> Kaliknazarova Shahzoda Begisbay qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Studying the Effect of Growing Rice Varieties in Different Water Thicknesses on the Amount of Amylase, Starch and Protein in Grain in the Conditions of Uzbekistan <p>In this article, taking into account the biological characteristics of regionalized early-early "Guljahan", "Ilgor", "Iskandar" late-ripening "Mustaqillik", "Lazurniy", "UzROS-7/13" rice varieties in different water thicknesses under the conditions of grassland-swamp soils of Tashkent region amylase, starch and protein content of cultivated rice grains were determined. Rice varieties 5; 10; When grown in water thicknesses of 15 and 20 cm, the amylase content of "Lazurnyy" variety is 21.4%, starch content is 69.9%, and protein content is 11.2%, which is higher than other varieties.</p> Khojamkulova Yulduzoy Jahonkulovna, Z. F. Ziyadullayev, Khojambergenov Ganiybay Ametovich, U. Sh. Karshieva Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Corpus as the research object in linguistic domains <p>This article explores the practical and theoretical value of Corpus-based approach in language research and its application, highlighting its connective use with computer technology in related fields. Furthermore, it explains its current use in modern linguistics in association with other fields. However, the hardships of Corpus-based approach are aslo mentioned in the article together with ways of how to fix them in language research.</p> Yulbarsov Ochilbek Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Mrs. Saroy Mulk Khonim <p>The article talks about the 14th-century Timurid princess Bibi Khanim (Saroy Mulk khonim) and her active participation in the management of the kingdom as a generous queen, and her work in social and cultural construction of the country, especially in supporting the talibi sciences from all sides.</p> Umarova Hayitgul Sherali qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 FORECASTING THE VOLUME OF PRODUCT (WORKS, SERVICES) EXPORT OF SMALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN USING TREND MODELS <p>We know that a number of measures have been implemented in our country to find a solution to the problem of increasing the volume of exports, in theory, its economic analysis is considered a very important factor for our national economy. Because, to find a solution to the problem of increasing the volume of exports at the present time, increasing the volume of products(work, services)that are emerging on the basis of the exact demand and supply of our current era, as well as increasing the volume of sales in our country, represent the future state of this market and our overall economy. This article will talk about the Arima model of forecasting and analyze the number of unemployment using this model.</p> Hajikulova Feruza Dona, Kenjayeva Sabohat Safarovna Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Hybrid Framework for Causality Extraction in Nuclear Licensee Event Reports <p>The accurate extraction of causality in nuclear licensee event reports is critical for enhancing safety measures and operational efficiency within the nuclear industry. This study presents a hybrid framework designed to improve the precision and reliability of causality extraction from these reports. The proposed framework integrates rule-based methods with machine learning techniques to leverage the strengths of both approaches. A comprehensive dataset of nuclear event reports was utilized to train and evaluate the system, demonstrating significant improvements in causality detection accuracy compared to existing methodologies. The framework's robustness is further validated through cross-validation and comparison with human expert analyses. The results indicate that the hybrid approach not only enhances the granularity and context-awareness of extracted causal relationships but also reduces the time and effort required for manual report analysis. This advancement holds promise for more effective risk assessment and management in nuclear operations.</p> Sophia lorraine, Mike Stephen Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Phraseologisms Formed in Relation to Personal Activity and Psychology in Shuhrat's Work "Oltin Zanglamas" (Gold does not Rust) <p><em>In this article, phraseologisms formed in Shuhrat's work "Golden Rust" were studied and analyzed on a scientific basis in terms of their connection with personal activity and psyche. Also, the writer's ability to use expressions was widely covered.</em></p> Sayyora Khanmuratova Halmukhammet kizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400