Improving the Formation of Professional Competence of Future Teachers with the Help of Digital Educational Technologies


  • Khalikova Umida Mirovna Bukhara State University, Lecturer at the Department of Applied mathematics and technology programming, Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Sciences (PhD)


future teacher, mathematics, digital competencies, methodological training, educational resources


Modern schoolchildren live in the world of digital technologies, quickly navigate in and are actively exploring new opportunities. Therefore, in the preparation of future teachers, one should pay attention to attention to the formation of their relevant competencies, the development of skills for working in digital educational environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the author's module "Designing Digital Educational Resources", implemented within the framework of the discipline "Methods of Teaching Mathematics". The module introduces students to the bases of ready-made digital resources both for subject training and extracurricular activities, helps, according to the developed criteria, to choose the most high-quality ones, supplement and process ready-made digital educational resources (DER), and most importantly, to design and create their own.


