Significance of Laser Surgery in Eye Diseases


  • Nazirdjanov Muradiljon Abdusaitovich Central Asian Medical University, International Medical University, Assistant of the Department of Medical Biology and Chemistry
  • Bosh Hakimi Central Asian Medical University Xalqaro Tibbiyot Universiteti, Assistenti


diabetic retinopathy, retinal laser coagulation


Today, diabetic retinopathy is one of the social diseases that worries the whole world 5% of people on earth suffer from diabetes. 60,000 new patients are registered annually. More than 1,000,000 diabetics will lose their legs. Diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed in every 5 patients with diabetes mellitus. The development of modern technologies, low mobility, non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle leads to an increase in the number of complications of this disease.




How to Cite

Nazirdjanov Muradiljon Abdusaitovich, & Bosh Hakimi. (2024). Significance of Laser Surgery in Eye Diseases. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(1), 114–116. Retrieved from