Precedent Names Are One of the Most Important Types of Tropes


  • Kuldosheva Shohinabonu Otabekovna Master's Student 2nd course, Bukhara State University
  • Achilova Risolat Azamovna Associated Professor of the Bukhara State University


Linguistics, Precedent Names, Trope, Comparative Analysis, Spiritual, Linguacultural aspects


This article deals with an important issues as the reference of proper names and their actualization in the space of a literary text. Of particular interest from this point of view is the functioning of precedent proper names in a lyrical work, since in this case the precedent name becomes the semantic dominant of the text, influencing the formation of both content and meaning. They contain a large corpus of various proper names, these are mainly precedent names, each of them has its own text, also precedent, which, when included in a new context, acquires a new meaning, requiring a new reading.




How to Cite

Kuldosheva Shohinabonu Otabekovna, & Achilova Risolat Azamovna. (2023). Precedent Names Are One of the Most Important Types of Tropes. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(8), 40–42. Retrieved from