Peculiarities of Modern Political Texts


  • Boltayeva Nargiza Raxmatovna Researcher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Teacher of the Department of Languages of Zarmed University


Political texts, political linguistics, political science, political problems


In this article, showing that, it is possible to analyze texts and break through the deliberate clouding of meaning, based on text analysis and is give reliable conclusions. The main goal of this article is to explain how political texts are structured, to show how they can be analyzed and what information can be extracted from them. In the last few decades, the study of political communication has expanded greatly, and this growth has been evident around the world. This article will be basic information about some characteristic features of political texts.




How to Cite

Raxmatovna, B. N. (2023). Peculiarities of Modern Political Texts. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(6), 58–62. Retrieved from