The Role of Foreign Investments in the Development of the Country's Economy


  • Rakhmonov Mekhroj Erkin o’g’li Institute of Agroinnovations and Research, Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
  • Makhmudov Jasurbek Research advisor: Samarkand Institute of Agricultural Innovation and Research. Lecturer in Digital Technologies and Accounting


Investment, foreign investment, foreign capital, investor, export, import, national economy, investment process.


In this article, aspects of the importance of foreign investments in the development of the country's economy. Why is foreign investment important? Also, in the article, the problems encountered in the attraction of foreign investments to the national economy of our country and the need to use measures aimed at preventing these problems are widely covered.




How to Cite

Rakhmonov Mekhroj Erkin o’g’li, & Makhmudov Jasurbek. (2024). The Role of Foreign Investments in the Development of the Country’s Economy. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 2(3), 159–161. Retrieved from