A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Assessment Tools in Measuring Student Learning Outcomes


  • Jahonova Ra’no Akbar qizi Bachelor student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


assessment, criteria, learning outcomes, language acquisition, assessment tools


Assessment tools are significant to gauge student learning outcomes. The aim of this thesis is to conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various assessment tools in assessing student learning outcomes. In order to compile a list of frequently employed assessment tools, they conducted bibliographical research. According to the results, the most effective assessment tools are those that are reliable and validated. Additionally, the research underscores the significance of selecting appropriate assessment tools that meet specific needs and objectives.




How to Cite

Jahonova Ra’no Akbar qizi. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Assessment Tools in Measuring Student Learning Outcomes. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(10), 129–132. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPDIS/article/view/1867