Ways of Using Industrial Enterprises' Labor Potential


  • I. M. Sirojiddinova Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Head of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • G’.Sh. Jorayev Andijan machine-building institute, master's student


labor potential, personnel management


Improving the quality of labor potential at industrial enterprises is an important issue, especially in the post-pandemic period and due to the introduction of digital technologies. The article analyzes the management of the labor potential of industrial enterprises. Its major aim is to develop an algorithm for monitoring the assessment of labor resources as a mechanism for managing the labor potential of industrial enterprises. Data of a local enterprise JSC “Uz auto sanoat” for 2019–2022 (the enterprise) were used as the object of labor potential study. The main provisions of the labor resource management theory are considered. The goals and objectives of the modern labor resources management system for large industrial machine-building enterprises of Uzbekistan are determined.




How to Cite

I. M. Sirojiddinova, & G’.Sh. Jorayev. (2023). Ways of Using Industrial Enterprises’ Labor Potential. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(10), 99–104. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPDIS/article/view/1848