Features of the Formation and Accounting of the Authorized Capital in Organizations of Various Forms of Ownership


  • Ermatov Akmaljon Akbaralievich Fergana polytechnic institute, PhD., Department of Accounting and Audit
  • Muratov Aziz Akbarovich Fergana polytechnic institute, master


authorized capital, start-up capital


This article discusses the basics of the formation of the authorized capital on the example of sections of its composition, organizations of various forms of ownership. Today, the effective formation of the authorized capital during the period of modernization and reform of the economy is one of the urgent issues, the main thing in zero entrepreneurship begins with the formation of its charter. At the moment, entrepreneurship is the basis of the economy of any country. The purpose of the article is to ensure its effective use by analyzing the features of the formation and accounting of the authorized capital.




How to Cite

Akbaralievich, E. A., & Akbarovich, M. A. (2023). Features of the Formation and Accounting of the Authorized Capital in Organizations of Various Forms of Ownership. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(10), 13–20. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJPDIS/article/view/1733