Product Characteristics and Qualities


  • Tairov Baxtiyor Boboqulovich Bukhara engineering-technological institute, Head of the department of metrology and standardization, associate professor
  • Xo‘jjiyev Ma’murjon Yangiboyevich Bukhara engineering-technological institute, PhD teacher, Department of Metrology and Standardization
  • Boboqulov Farhod Baxtiyor o’g’li Bukhara engineering-technological institute Associate Professor of the "Oil and Gas Processing Technology" Department


quality assessment, quality, characteristics, production, products


In this article, special attention is paid to the concept of product quality, as well as its characteristics. Classification of quality indicators is given. Conclusions are made about the need to classify and study these indicators. Man comes into "possession of quality" in practical activity, consuming or using the corresponding products or services. For this reason, it is accepted that the starting point in the definition of quality is the value in use, which is the set of attributes that make a specific product useful to man.



How to Cite

Tairov Baxtiyor Boboqulovich, Xo‘jjiyev Ma’murjon Yangiboyevich, & Boboqulov Farhod Baxtiyor o’g’li. (2024). Product Characteristics and Qualities. American Journal of Engineering , Mechanics and Architecture (2993-2637), 2(11), 61–64. Retrieved from