Logistics and Maintenance Support for Vehicles in the Agro-Industrial Complex


  • I. M. Sirojiddinova Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Head of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • O. U. Yulchibayev 1-st year Master degree student at “Andijan Machine building Institute”


social media, social networks, mass media, media space, linear communication, network communication


Social Media in Marketing refers to the strategic use of social networking platforms as powerful tools for promoting and enhancing a brand’s visibility, engagement, and overall marketing objectives. This article is about the advantages of utilizing social media in marketing.




How to Cite

I. M. Sirojiddinova, & O. U. Yulchibayev. (2023). Logistics and Maintenance Support for Vehicles in the Agro-Industrial Complex. American Journal of Engineering , Mechanics and Architecture (2993-2637), 1(9), 114–120. Retrieved from http://grnjournal.us/index.php/AJEMA/article/view/1478